Refined Outer Authority is the Possibility
“We’re here to communicate truth, our truth.
Not our homogenized variation of the homogenized story; our truth, our uniqueness, our pureness as beings, our perception.
Everybody wonders about, oh, poor mind, it can’t make decisions anymore. Give me a break.
You can see here what mind is for; it’s to communicate down the fractal line its unique truth.
And not so that it becomes the next one’s truth, but that it is received correctly.
That’s all. It’s all you can ever want and ask is that the other hears you.
Outer authority is an expression of our purpose. You only get to true outer authority when you are beginning to live your purpose. It’s the expression of it.
I’m a manifestor; I have a very tight aura. I have a very, very narrow fractal line.
I see all these beings in my life and I see that there is one commonality of the beings that are in my life - I can express my outer authority to them. I can communicate with you.
We don’t chit-chat.
This communication is at a very sophisticated level; it’s very pure. It’s beautiful to be able to do this.
This is what my fractal line is about. If you’re not there to hear me, you’re not the point, so to speak.
My job as a being, my job through whatever is my process, my purpose, is to make sure that there are as many beings that I can communicate to as possible.
And after that, it’s on their fractal. It’s on your fractal.
It’s not me that’s responsible for this huge growth in Human Design.
I don’t know where these 200 people a day come from who go to the newcomer’s zone. We’ve never seen that.
I don’t know where they come from. I do know that they’re the by-product of fractal lines through everyone who has met Design.
But I also know that these are now beings that are third, fourth, fifth, sixth generation down the fractal line hearing from somebody who heard from somebody, whatever the case may be.
This is the wave at work. It’s the way information moves.
However hard I work at simplifying the language of this knowledge, it’s still deeply complex and that in turn for you in the movement of this knowledge to be able to maintain its simplicity through your own expression so that it goes further down that fractal line, because the expansion of your fractal line is the expansion of your commercial life, your life as a professional in this business.
And it’s all about outer authority; it’s about what you say. It’s about whom you say it to.”