“The more special they feel, the more generous they become as beings. It’s one of the things to understand about the 5th line is that the 5th line is capable of enormous generosity of spirit, but only based on its specialness, only based on being seen as special. This is one of the deep underlying themes. And all of this comes to a 5 through the quality of the bonding strategy between the mother and her 5th line child.
And that strategy is a strategy of seduction. It’s seduction. You have to seduce the 5th line being into being confident in their specialness. You have to seduce them.
“Oh, I know you can do this. You’re the only one who can do this. That’s why I need you to do this. You’re the one that can do it.” This whole seduction is necessary for them.
If they don't get that—to be a 5th line personality is to understand the depth of paranoia; I mean, the depth of paranoia when it comes to other human beings. “What do they want? What do you want? What do you want from me?” If you’re not conditioned properly in this life, that “what do you want” becomes “I don’t even want to listen. I don’t even want to listen. I don’t even want to have contact. I don't want to give you the chance to project your want on me.”
And all of that is that that 5th line being is not in tune with their specialness. That’s all. It’s this quality of: “Ever since I was a little kid,” they say, “there’s always been something special about me. When she couldn't; I could. When she was in trouble she asked me.”
As a matter of fact, my mother was really incompetent. If you have the ideal mother raising the 5th child, always saying to the 5th line child “I can’t; can you?” eventually the child grows up and thinks “Boy, she was useless.” It’s not like you get a great reward to be the mother of the adult.
As a mother you say to them “This was all seduction. I had to bring you out so you could really feel...”—“Really? I thought you were totally useless.” If you really do a good job raising a 5th line child you going to be considered a totally useless parent. “No, no, I used to hang out with Joe's mother. She was much more interesting than my own. As a matter of fact, every time I came home I heard my mother say ‘I can’t; can you?’”
But then they feel special, because they can. They're the ones that can fulfill the demand. That’s why this technique of the mother is so important. “I can’t; can you?” because that's the whole thing for the 5th line all its life. This is the perfect entry point. “They can’t; I can. You come to me; right, I can.” That’s their whole point.
This is a spirit that has to be built. And as I said, it is very difficult for the parent to live that. It’s very difficult to have siblings. I know what sibling rivalry is. I have a brother that wishes I'd never been born. I know what that’s like to be the different one, the one special one, the one that gets all the projection while the other ones are just doing what they’re told.
There are all kinds of complexities in such things. But our job is to do the best we can to protect these children. You do the best you can to tell these mothers what it really means to have a left angle child, to have a 5th line child in the sense of they
have to be treated differently. You don't have to make an enormous deal out of it in reference to another sibling in the house. But at the same time you have to see they have to be raised according to their nature. And their nature is only to be useful when other people need that because they can't do it themselves.
You can’t wake up yourselves. You can’t figure all this out yourselves. So I have a perfect 5th line role. I can be special because I can then give you that. And that’s the nature of it. But if you don’t have the strength as a 5th line being, you cannot deal with the projection you're going to receive, nor are you able to present something that solid enough to stand up to it. If you don't encourage specialness in these children, they will never specialize, in that sense. And they will never have those gifts. And the whole doesn’t get the benefit.
Those that have a 5th line in them, and that means that there are two billion people on the planet that have a 5th line in their profile and we know that they’re not all heretics. And we know that they don't all consider themselves as special, and we know that they don't provide universal principles that transforms the world.”
~Ra Uru Hu