The Point.
“Human Design is not about partnership.
It is about the potential of the differentiated unique being.
The great curse of all [traditional] bonds is that you have to be different and cannot be changed.
The basis of relationships is how you got there, because if you did not get there correctly you are always doing maintenance.
It's not about blame or the way someone is ‘supposed” to be.
We are, not simply the victims of conditioning, we also put it out. We are constantly in this tension.
The majority of humanity are locked in ancient survival and conditioning. Rising and falling in the program.
When you put energy inside of someone – it is amplified. It becomes ‘more’; elaborated.
Nearly 2/3 of humanity are Generators influencing the other types sacral center.
In order to have a healthy relationship, you have to enter into correctly.
Otherwise you are constantly trying to ‘fix’ things. It is natural to be in surrender as 9 centered beings. The 7 centered longed for it.
The moment that you let go of your mind running your life, nothing of this matters because you enter into it as yourself.
We must get to that place where there is no blame, no fault, no victims, no dependencies = just being correct and in self-love and allow others to just be.
When you are correct – you get the correct experience.
This is about discernment. This is about being masters of the maia, disconnecting from the [addictions of the] ‘not-self’ world and truly loving yourself.”
[the bracketed words are my enhancement - whatcha think? 🤔] - A