"They are constantly being dragged down off of the roof.
They know what pressure there is to finish the hexagram process and to move on to the next foundation. To keep the cycle of life moving.
Now, there is nothing, nothing more chaotic than the 6/3!
It is obvious that 6/3 is going to live out in its first Saturn cycle a 3/3 phase. We have seen this with 3/6. Now with the 3/6 it is a different process because of course there is a 3 personality, it is the consistent personality throughout their process.
But the consistent personality of the 6/3 is that it’s going to shift, it is going to start off as a 3/3 and then it is going to – well, yeah – leap onto the roof. 6/3s do not even need a ladder. They have so much going on in those first 28 years that they trampoline their way up to the top. They just get out of the way.
But think about the pressure and the chaos of having a 3/3 cycle in your first 28 years. Everything is trial and error – the conscious, the unconscious – this is the pin ball wizard at work.
Deaf, dumb and blind and pushed in every direction. Now, obviously, out of that can come a deep, deep experiential recognition. No other profile is designed to meet as many experiences as the 6/3, no other profile!
They are here to sample completely the hexagram before they leave it and go on to the next.
In other words, this is the last gasp, and, of course, in this last gasp, what we get to – at the unconscious level, it never leaves them – is that “Yes, I have gotten to the end of this hexagram, but so what? There has to be something else!”
I mean, 6/3s invented incarnation: “There has to be something else. There has to be something else!” So that is their whole process in life: “There has to be something else!”
Now, of course, the ideal of the 6/3 is that, while they are on the roof of the house, they find it. They find what they can accept as being an example.
And unlike the 6/2, when the 6/2 becomes an example, they are simply and totally involved in being themselves, when they come off of the roof. But the 6/3 cannot.
When the 6/3 actually comes down off of that roof, they go right back into trial and error. They can never leave it, and they go back into trial and error because they are looking for a new foundation – that’s their job.
There was this San Francisco cartoonist – I cannot remember his name, I would love to give him credit, but whatever – and this cartoon has stayed with me for a very long time – it is a very beautiful thing:
There is this enormous landscape of rubble, it looks like World War 26, huge rubble everywhere, cities burnt down and all kinds of this stuff. There is this one guy – he is walking through all of this. He is the only human being and he has big, big, bug eyes and he is holding a portable TV set, and he has got a plug in one hand...
This is the 6/3. The whole world can come to an end and they are wandering around with their plug. “Where do I plug in, to get to watch next? How do I get to the next thing?” That is their genetic direction. That is the whole thing. Now, of course, this can be very difficult for them.
They do not get to have the same sanctity of the roof that the 6/2 does – no changing cross. Because changing crosses are different. These six changing crosses as you have seen – there are not many changing cross people around. They are different.
And though they have similarities, whether those similarities are going to be linked through the personality or whatever – they have similarities with the foundation, but they are different.
That 6/3 because of the 3 underneath has a very different experience, because even at the end of the Saturn cycle, when they go up onto the roof of the house, they cannot stay there. There is always somebody coming along and bringing a ladder, an elevator, an escalator, a slide, a parachute...
There is always somebody saying, “Come on, come on – get off of the roof. Come down here. We have something new for you.”
And, of course, built into that 6/3 is this optimism that “Maybe they really have it, and maybe if I come down and I see what that is, you know, I don’t have to be up here on this roof.”
And, of course, they come down and they find out that it does not work and they say, “It doesn’t work. None of this works.” And they are going back up on the roof.
And the moment that they are back up on the roof, there is somebody else in their face saying, “Hey, look, I have got this wonderful thing,” and their unconscious says, “Let’s try it.” I mean, they are helpless.
The unconscious says, “Ah, yes. OK. I am coming down again and I’ll try it again.”
Whereas the 6/2 – you can see their curve – they have their chaos: “Bumpety, bumpety, bumpety”. They go up onto the roof. They stay there, for a long time. They stay there for 20, 23 years. They have this holiday up there, where they get rich and then they have to come down.
And the 6/3s, they have this chaos: they go up on the roof, they come down, they go up on the roof, they come down... – that is a process!
And, of course, that is the mechanism of their genes. Their genes are saying, “We have to come down, we have to come down, we have to come down. We have to be in the world. We have to move to the next foundation.
We cannot stay here up on the roof.” Because this hexagram has to go somewhere.
They can be real driving forces. But it takes them a long time in life to find what they can truly trust – long time.
The 6/2 finds trust up on the roof and finds it in the healing process of its first 10 or 11 years on the roof. But the 6/3 does not have that grace period.
They are constantly being pulled and they cannot escape that pull. They must go down – that is their job. And, of course, for them it is only the optimism of the post-Saturn phase that keeps them alive. That 6th line of them says, “OK, it was another experience. This does not work.”
You have the Role Model Martyr, and in the first 30 years of their life, you have got the Martyr Martyr. That is two crosses that you hang on, instead of one. Maybe one in front and one in back. That is the Martyr Martyr. And it is the “Oh me, oh my” configuration.
How easy it is for them in their pessimism to really think that they are victims. You see, they never belong to the hexagram. It is very easy for them to feel like they are alone and nobody really cares.
They are at the end of something – they are actually leaving it behind. And because they are leaving it behind, they are not even connected to those in the hexagram in any kind of deep way. They are trying to get away from it. They go up onto the roof to create the distance in order to be able to jump into something new.
They have to continue this genetic life process. However, if they go through those first years with the Martyr Martyr and that deep pessimism that grows out of that, they are going up onto the roof. These could be very, very angry people on the roof.
These are the kind of people who stand on top of the roof and look at the crowd below and scream at them. This is not the holy prophet up there who says, “Come to me, my children.” This is the mad person standing up there on the roof saying, “Get away!”
You know this movie Network with this guy standing in front of the window and screaming, “Fuck everybody! Into Hell with all of you!” This is the classic 6/3, standing up on the roof and cursing at everybody.
Of course, you have to understand that not everybody is gifted with that potential to let it out. And if you are screaming at everybody inside and it is not coming out, how devastating it can be to your body and how devastating can that be to your health. This is not an easy role.
At the same time, as I say that, remember it is not tougher than anybody else’s. That is important to keep in mind.
Let us not give the martyrs their tune, you know, “Oh, poor me”. “Let us massage them to make them feel better.” Don’t get caught in that movie. It does not work. No sympathy from the devil today.
You can see what they are like – they are the Administrating Anarchist. Isn’t that wonderful? They tell you what to destroy. They do!
That is actually a very profound statement – they really do. They tell you what to burn down. They tell you what to destroy. These are the little kids that say to their friend, “Put that bush on fire.” And it is their little friend that gets punished when the house burns down – “Go ahead, set it on fire.”
They are double anarchists in their first Saturn cycle. Never belong to an organization that would have you as a member – this is a binary rejection of being organized in any way.
Don’t put these children into the boy scouts or girls club, and all these horrible things. Because the 6 will go nuts in that kind of situation.
They are anarchists: “What are you doing to me? You are locking me into all of this and none of it works.”
These children – let them be! These are the kind of kids that if they are lucky enough to have parents that are totally disinterested in them, they do really well. No joke – totally disinterested in them.
Because that is their opportunity to be really left alone with all of that. It is wonderful for them. The moment that they have these deeply concerned parents who want to be involved in this and that, and they are anarchists and they break bonds, you know, this is therapy and training.
They get pushed into all kinds of horrible situations. They belong there, but they need to be left alone. Let them go through their trial and error. Let them go through as a loner in their own process. They will get out of that.
And if they know that this is a healthy process for them, and that there is nothing wrong with them, that they don’t have to feel uncomfortable by the way in which others look at them and speculate about them, then they can be really healthy.
After all, it’s a very valuable role, and it is an important role to be filled out.
Unlike the 6/2, the trial and error, the experiencing of life in the 6/3 never ends. They stay out there. Oh yeah, they go up and down on the roof, but basically they stay out there. They stay connected. They do not have the same disconnect.
As a matter of fact, the disconnect of the 6/3 is personal and not general.
That is the real difference in them in terms of the way the unconscious changes this ‘on the roof’ disconnection. Basically what happens with the 6/3 is that it tends to be the result of the other – somebody bumps into them, pulls them down off of the roof.
Now what they do, they disconnect from that person when the experience doesn’t work. They don’t disconnect from the experience generally, they just say, “No more with that one. I have been disturbed, but it’s OK. I am going back up on my roof until the next one comes along.” And they go through that process. So it tends to be much more personal. After all, the theme of Bonds Made and Broken, it tends to be geared in that direction.
But like all 6s, when they are on the roof they are able Administrators.
They do have this capacity out of experience to be able to guide others, but they don’t have the same career curve as the 6/2. The 6/2 has nearly 25 years of stability in their Saturn to Chiron, in which to develop their material strength in life. However, the 6/3 is constantly being pulled down off of the roof.
That means that they can be pulled out of their job, they can be pulled out of their discipline, they can be pulled into new things all the time. So what happens to them is that they may not be able to develop a consistent way to materially look after themselves.
In other words, they can have a career in which they can be quite successful, but 6/3s will leave anything. They can truly be pulled off into anything. And then they can end up having lost the benefits of their seniority or their time or whatever and have to start fresh with something else.
So they don’t have the same kind of career curve. In other words, they have to recognize that it is important for them to have something that is relatively consistent in their life, that can help to maintain themselves."
~Ra Uru Hu