Projectors & Mastery of Systems
This describes the mechanism of Mastery pretty darn well imho.
My only challenge is - I don’t actually want unknown people (wth is an unknown friend 🤔🤓) to come seeking me - feels like a ‘necessary unpleasantness’ 😛
Because it basically means -
1. it pulls me away from my investigations 😅
2. chances are it’s ”not going to work” (#3rdlinelife) and it can take quite some vetting to even know if it’s a track I have energy for.
Which further interferes with #1 AND involves … you know … people 😂
On the other hand - correctly recognizing people arriving, all their details in hand and ready for my Unexpected Cross and the words that can tune them up - pretty darn sweet. 💕
Ahh how 1/3 I truly be 😋
It’s that sifting and sorting before they get an audience that’s always been my holy grail.
Might have to click image to see the whole thing: