Alok writes-
“9-centered relationships are primarily about communication.
Now, if we communicate well, maybe we can still have sex as well, and if sex is good, good.
If sex is not good, okay, we don’t have to repeat it, but this will not break the communication.
Sex is not what brings the trust between two people.
The trust is already there, and then sex is just like: “Okay, we can have lunch together, or we can have sex together.”
What really matters here is: “Is there communion between us?”
What matters is: “Do we like and love and respect each other for what we are?”
This is not about denying sex.
It is not about saying: “Sex doesn’t matter.”
Rather, it is about realizing that sex cannot be the foundation of a healthy human bond.
Love has to be the foundation of a healthy human bond, and you don’t need to fuck somebody to love them for what they are. You don’t.
And when that love is there, …"
- Alokanand Diaz (Excerpt from Living Your Design XXL)