Entering correctly might be the most important thing.
Before I was married, I had a 7 year relationship. We were even engaged.
He was 8years older than me and was unable to be faithful. There are things in my Design that make that untenable.
Looking back, it wasn’t necessarily entered into incorrectly - but it wasn’t all the way correct either and I have bitterness that I carry to this day. Not endless bitterness, but pockets here and there.
Finally, when I was so sick and tired of being ‘together’, I remember saying something like “this isn’t working, we both know it”
And he said “what do you want me to do” …. “help me leave you” was my reply.
And I outlined all my dealbreakers and asked for a hiatus of all the stuff that made me so sad and for physical help with the actual moving and for him to be the dog babysitter (we had two together) whenever I needed him to.
“Can you do that?“ … “uh huh”
And he did.
I feel certain he was a Generator.
Maybe two years later, he called me to let me know he was getting married. And on that same call, I told him I was 6mos pregnant.
He said something like me leaving him was a wake up call and his hiatus had actually lasted a year.
Then he met his wife.
We’ve both been with those same people now for nearly 30 years.
But I needed his help to leave. And I think he needed me to break the bond.
Reading this below this morning, I was reminded of that story.
Licette shared - If you’re a non-energy type, that decision to leave a partner is a physical decision!
"In the not-self the only thing they're interested in is their dependencies.
Most human beings, because they can’t operate out of their authority, they operate out of their dependencies.
You're constantly being dependent on others to be your authority. Once somebody allows you to be their authority, they don't want to ever give that up. Why should they?
And then of course because of the nature of projectors they try to turn you into their Slave Guide.
You know it's not the guide, it’s the slave guide, they need you to be enslaved, they need to control you, they need to make sure that you're going to help them and guide them when they want you to help them and guide them.
They want you to be available for that help and guidance and don' t wanna let you go out, you know: “you stay home I may need your guidance in half an hour”
I mean, you know, it becomes quite a thing and projectors are the great super slaves of the planet.
Dependency is one of the most dangerous things for level of knowledge like this, especially for those that develop professional direction like Human Design, the greatest risk is dependency.
Not for somebody like me because I'm manifestor, with my closed aura I just say goodbye: I”m not gonna hold your hand.”
Once people are dependent on you, that you have to be the one to make a difference in their life, it puts an enormous pressure on you, and then they wanna control you, because if you make it work for them…
Most projectors are very unhappy with successful partners, is that not a joke?
It’s what projectors do!
You transfer your success over to your partner, and your partner has a great success and you are as miserable as hell!
And they have enslaved you into being their success talisman:”
You’re my good luck charm, don’t leave the house! Stay in that room, I’m gonna get a lock for that door, keep you under control…”
It’s not true for all Projectors, because projector designs are so complex, it varies, however, It is difficult for the projectors.
Think about it.
If you’re a non-energy type, that decision to leave a partner is a physical decision! It is a physical decision!
You actually have to have the power to get up and walk out and you have to use their stuff to make it happen.
I mean that's not easy!
And it is just simply not easy!
And you know, my thing with projectors is not about teaching them how to get out of relationships, it's about being aware of how you get into one in the first place so you don't have to deal with that later.
A lot of it has to do with the way you are controlled as a projector.
I teach everybody to have their own bedroom but I mean if you're a projector and you don't have your own bedroom this is suicide, it's just plain projector suicide; it's insane!
Because you cannot afford to spend all of your life being conditioned day and night.
One of the advantages of your own space you get up in the morning you're in your own aura. If there's somebody else in your life you meet them.
And in the meeting, you set your criteria. You get to see where they are at that point in that day at that moment you know whether you want to have anything to do with them or not, you can feel what's going on there, in other words, you begin to take some control over the integrity of your aura.
It's very easy to manipulate people who are open, and who are non-energy type.
I mean it's the great dilemma that all projectors have to live - the super-slave phenomenon.
I mean most projectors are so enslaved to their families, to their friends, to their jobs you know they're just overwhelmed with this and you know the greatest disease for projectors is exhaustion.
There's nothing more dangerous for a projector than exhaustion."
Ra Uru Hu