He won the Tour du France, he's a Projector ... or is he?
Here's another thread that started yesterday and I have bookmarked for reflecting on. Also a possible zoom interview/chat to come - about what Gabi said before I did ... it's totally what came to mind as I read the op (might just be a mini ranty conversation since we're both on the same page it sounds like)
Anyway - here's how it went (images from the thread)
And here's the original thread - assuming the author doesn't wimp out and delete it.
Hate when that happens. Can be a lot of heat though - when resisting LOL
Elizabeth added a great reminder for all undefined / open heads.
Vanessa added the bit that used to be really hard for me to swallow - just being born with a Projector chart does not mean one is living as one.
The admiration this gal is having is for a Projector BEing a Generator.
Koen (made an interesting observation too, which I'll include in the final picture) ... this gal replied and I had to lol and poke - we shall see if she's here for my Gate 39 or not 🙃
And the gal continued not to hear (had her own agenda and she stuck to it) 🙉
I uploaded the max images here so I'll end with this from Mauritzio - who's first language is Italian so things aren't always as clear as might be in English -
"[Projector] Success Is about to be recognized for the correct management of the others' Energy, not in working hard without know when enough Is enough to prove some material or trivial value."
To which I say #micdrop
Oh yes and Gabi's spleen said yes! Now to wait for my readiness or whatever flips the switch... 🙄🙃 She's Quad Right, so it's prolly up to me or something else to prompt it :)