Mini projectorsuccess via Collective sharing
My particular #projectorsuccess happens through words.
- Invited opinions
- Reframes on language people are using
- ways to say this or that for better (efficient) communication
- Possibilities entertained
- Provocative, probing questions asked
The most tingly kind (I get literal goosebumps) happens in solo conversations when I say something that really tweaks the other’s thinking in a way that releases them from a secret belief … helps them to be less homogeneous in their thinking … less socially ‘normal’ … more accepting of themselves etc …
Epiphanies happen.
There’s also always been a lot of “remember when you said ….” in my life.
Of course, like 90% of the time, no I don’t ‘remember when I said … ’ so it’s kind of thrilling to hear that sentence begin.
What comes next is always unexpected and it’s a sort of delayed recognition - that can pop-up seemingly out of nowhere.
And that’s not what this post is about.
THIS post is about the mini #projectorsuccess that’s been possible via collective sharing (I have 2 channels that are collective and are also black).
Most of that sharing is practiced in FB forums (and in this community of course).
Oftentimes I’m just saying whatever comes to mind immediately (like the little kid in the emperors new clothes) and as I’m typing, new ideas slide in and then right on out too.
Here’s an example from this morning :)
No tingle, and my Grinch gate doesn’t get overly excited.
But still- it’s correct recognition.