Are the red gates actually unconscious? 🤔
Unlike many people, I love having details of my HD foundation understanding refined.
I’m in my experiment, same as all of us and being guided when I don’t know what I don’t know - especially from my originally chosen (ie recognized) source of that ….
Well, it goes down sooooo easy 😊
This series of screenshots, starting with a forum question (I’m tired of writing FB group)
Hopefully tells the tale.
When you scroll to the part where he’s DMing me, the first link there was short enough to screen grab- it’s the next image the one with Reflector Sessions at the top.
The second is here - it’s a passage from Leela Swann-Herbert:
The chart image is something that I actually made early on for myself (that’s my design as the example), but someone else shared it on that same forum thread - which was kinda cool to see happen.
The last image is me in DM to Sjef again.
How’s that for a funny way to show (let you observe if you want) behind the scenes? 🙃😆
Easier for me than starting from scratch and writing it all out - I think. 🤔
Be sure to click through to see full images.