Copywriters Playbook - Lesson 1.1
Okay my emotional wave has its own timing (trust me, my Mind thinks this is a real PIA, it's something else to watch) ... and it appears today is the day to begin!
[sidebar for anyone unfamiliar with Human Design and emotional Authority ... this is my personal decision-making tool - it has an up and down wave pattern to it and my body can literally not move to 'do' something ... for days or lots longer sometimes ... until it does. Sometimes it can be a very short cycle too. There's just no second guessing it tbh. So I wait. And I watch. :) )
If you don't yet have access to the content and/or commenting, you can visit this post for directions-
It's a 2 part process to participate. That post can guide you. :)
Today we're going to ease into this by drinking in the Intro by one of the trainers, Dave.
It's about a 16 minute watch/listen.
I want you to listen with not only your consumer ears. But also your (possibly newly minted) marketer ears.
What is it in his video that catches your attention - 'good" or "bad", it's all worth noticing.
This is the beginning of finding your own voice, really tuning in to what other people create and how they create it that leaves you nodding especially - you want to see that clearly. We'll probably talk about nodding and why that's so important later on in this series.
But for now - especially notice when you nod and when you don't, k?
Maybe even break out a journal where you can jot down ideas and play with different exercises we come to as we flow along through this.
The direct link to Lesson 1.1 is going into the first comment below - once you've read this, please add a comment that it all makes sense so far.
We're building the foundation of this series starting now and I want to make sure it begins and stays easy to navigate.
Once you've watched it, I'd love to hear what one take away is for you.
What stands out?
How does watching it leave you feeling?
Let's gooooo! :)
Appreciate you,
PS. The next lesson is "The 6 Steps to Irresistible Storytelling" - you'll definitely be wanting a notebook or journal of some kind for that.