With great power, comes great responsibility (who did you vote for?)
What this article is about is not what you maybe think it is from the headline/title.
Not exactly.
I can explain in a sec and tell you about what that type of headline is called in copywriting, and why it can be so powerful.
And then if what I share makes sense to you, and you believe that the world might be better off when people like you and me have this superpower in our bag of tricks, than not...
I’m going to sell you something.
For $1.
And then, for a (very) little more, we’re going to have the opportunity to unpack it together.
But first, let me explain why it makes absolutely no difference (to me) who you voted for ... or even whether you did or not.
[Sidebar: my audience is largely living in Democracies - if that’s not you, I think what I’m about to share may be even more meaningful tbh, but you tell me]
Maybe you know the story that headline is quoted from (or at least was made current-day popular by), is Spider-man, a comic book series written by Stan Lee. It’s Peter Parker’s Uncle Ben who is ultimately attributed with saying it as his final words to Peter (aka Spider-Man) just before taking his last breath.
I say ultimately attributed because a quick trip to Wikipedia seems to contest whether he originally said it at all or whether it was, in fact the narrator.
But I digress.
Here’s why it doesn’t make a lick of difference to me who you choose to vote for - ever - and what matters infinitely more.
It doesn’t matter who you vote for because -
1. Entrepreneurs can thrive and live in abundance no matter who’s “in power” (there’s something way more powerful)
2. What matters a heck of a lot more (to me) is that ultimately you use your great power (the one we have the opportunity to roll up our sleeves and hone together if you decide you want that) - what’s important is that you use it for ‘good not evil’ ...
... That you are, in fact, a fiduciary for the people who you end up affecting with your abilities.
[flashback to the first time I ever heard the term fiduciary... it was probably sometime around 2009 - a little more than a decade AFTER I first came online in 1996. Yeah I’m an Internet dinosaur lol 😂]
We may talk more about why how eternally long I've been online can be important at some point later, or maybe not. Doesn’t really matter in this moment.
But I remember it clearly, I was watching a marketing training suggested by a Mentor of mine and was introduced to the idea of being a fiduciary by listening to Jay Abraham speak.
It’s part of his “Strategy of Preeminence” which is a win/ win way of guiding people to the thing they want most.
Changed everything.
And maybe the best thing I learned is that it’s possible to become their super-heroine/hero while simultaneously swimming in success yourself.
I’ll link to a PDF that expands on this Strategy of Preeminence in the first comment, so we can discuss this idea further.
[If you’re not a already a subscriber, you can also Google for this.]
It was like a really bright light switched on in that moment.
Suddenly learning how to market and becoming an accomplished wordsmith made sense to me.
The concept of being a fiduciary is, in a nutshell that you care about, are loyal to your audience and act in the best interest of your clients to the best of your ability.
Granted, some of us will always be better at this with words than others. And that’s okay.
Everyone has their unique abilities after all.
What you have the opportunity to do here is to lean in and hone your own skills a little bit more.
Mastery is, after all, built by evolving to it. And, like any muscle or skill we might like to build, what that takes is a first step, or a next one - depending where you are on the path.
Please hear and trust me when I say ...
Where you are is wherever you are - and it’s perfect.
YOU are perfect. <3
Here’s the next step and why I think you should take it -
Step 1 - buy this video training called “The Copywriter’s Playbook” (this is the $1 purchase I mentioned earlier)
There’s more to buy there and totally feel free to if it grabs your attention (that's an affiliate link, a portion of every sale will also benefit PlanetAndrea), but also feel free to skip past the upsells.
The Copyrighters Playbook training has everything you need to know to be able to begin marketing anything to the people who want it - fiduciary style - whenever you want.
And can also offer the freedom to take time off from that when it’s time for downtime ... or playtime... or whatever.
Yep, it also can open up a world in which you never have to be financially concerned about who is voted in again.
It’s a superpower that can raise you above any fray and give you the ability to help others do the same.
I exaggerate not.
Step 2 - become a PlanetAndrea Locals subscriber/supporter.
[Savings tip: use a browser window on your phone or computer to subscribe with a credit card vs "coins" - the coins are an App store thing and it tacks on about 30% as a fee]
I’m about to co-create a series with my active subscribers - also fiduciary style - where we go through that same training together (ie. we use it as a study guide)
Become a subscriber and you’ll have instant access as that evolves (plus long after)
Optional: You’ll also get to have a direct impact on the direction of the conversation - via the community comments.
There’s very little more comforting than being certain in your own ability to create your own economy.
That’s what I hope and intend to open your eyes to in this series.
The possibility of that.
I sincerely thank you for your support on this subscriber-driven network and look forward to over-delivering through this portal ... maybe for years to come ... but certainly through this current project.
Appreciate you!
PS oh yeah I nearly forgot - about that headline. It’s a particular style that can be exceptionally effective and one I recommend using very very carefully.
And maybe not too often. Save it for special occasions?
It’s curiosity based. And could even be called “click bait” ... so when you do use one of these, what you always want to do (I think) is very quickly give people context and then deliver them value.
Real value.
But over used, or used poorly, curiosity-only headlines can become tiresome and “gotcha feeling”, which - if you prepare your audience ahead of time, I suppose could be something they come to look forward to, but really, why work that hard or tire your people out that way unnecessarily - is my opinion.
We can talk about headlines soon too methinks. They’re vitally important.
No click = No message delivered - which is why (bad) clickbait exists. Think tabloids here.
For the most part though, that’s not a fiduciary position.
Now go take those Two Steps I recommended and we can dig in.
Jay Abraham pdf in the first comments.
Check your Inner Authority.
And GO.