Astrology Can Only be Accurate Sometimes
Perhaps you already know this. But I am no astrologer.
I arrived to Human Design - unexpectedly - not seeking anything in particular. I’ve never been a “seeker” … only an investigator.
An investigator who happened to bump into Human Design (1/3 profile occupational hazard it turns out) - and get thrown head first down the rabbit hole 😆
So running into all these seekers and astrological contemplation folks who can tend to overlap with HD - was weird and new and unfamiliar.
Took some time to understand why they were so tied up in knots and, frankly, seemed to be way over complicating things.
Over complicating things when HD already had plenty of weird details and since I was meeting the HD details first, obviously (to me) the more accurate.
Now just a side note about accuracy - the accuracy Ra is pointing to here is the inclusion of the Red (unconscious) calculations in Human Design.
Astrology is only looking at the Black. The conscious. So there’s data missing (the body side of the data).
And in addition to that, as he is railing on about in this passage, it also matters whether any given gate is in a defined center or not.
My personal beef (it’s not a beef really, I just find the astrology track first people to have this much in common - maybe has attracted a certain sort of person) is that Astrology is used “predictively” - meaning people trying to see their future - looking for the truth vs the ‘mission’ of HD being to Live as Yourself, which is the truth. The truth of you.
Hmm truth is such a dicey and provocative word 🤔 - especially these days - maybe important to know that I don’t use it lightly. I even winced as I typed it lol 😂
Bottomline, from what I’ve seen, the two can’t go together efficiently.
The other thing I’ve seen is that the people who hail from an astrology background have a much harder time with their HD experiment.
They seem to stay confused longer. Have identified with something that they can’t let go of easily.
But I find that I wonder if that isn’t as much to do with the type of person who leans in the seeker direction in the first place. People wanting Future certainty.
There’s some kind of pattern there.
One that’s fairly uninteresting to me personally - because to me they feel stuck.
Distracted from their actual Design - that they’re delaying living while they cling to this incomplete data thing.
And they can tend to get quite defensive when this thing is challenged.
None of them are asking for guidance out of that fog 😜
So I leave them alone. 🥳
[Quote of the day via Koen]
Astrology Can Only Be Accurate Sometimes
Student: Some people say that Progressions…(laughter) Or isn’t there a good one?
Ra: I have friends who are really good astrologers and I drive them crazy. I make them very depressed. I’ve seen progressions. I’ve had progressions done for me. I’ve watched them go through all of that process. The underlying nature of astrology is that it cannot possibly be accurate. It is not possible. Anybody who knows their design knows that. You all have planets in dormant gates.
If an astrologer says to you—just dealing with personality activations—that your personality Mercury in Sagittarius means this that and the other, if that personality Mercury is in a gate, and it’s dormant, and it’s in an undefined center, that aspect that’s given to you by the astrologer is not true. It’s sometimes true, but it’s not true. It’s not consistently true. Now, of course, there are all kinds of astrologers that are going to read your personality chart, and they’re going to read your personality and what they’re reading are many, many aspects that are dormant, that have nothing to do with who you are, that has nothing to do with who you are consistently.
So at the base of astrology is inaccuracy. The fact that astrologers have invented house systems and progressions and all this stuff, it doesn’t impress me. Now, I go back to the simple, and the simple says, “It’s obvious and evident that astrology can only be accurate sometimes, and can never be accurate all the time.” So I’m not going to put any credence into anything that astrology presents as a more sophisticated way of looking at this or that. I find that the more astrological knowledge you have, the more confusing it is. And the more things you know about astrology and can say, the more difficult it is to understand what the hell anybody’s talking about.
I have a famous Vedic sannyasin astrologer staying in my house right now. When he gets into astrological babble-speak, I just kind of look at him and I watch him, and then he’s talking about himself, and then I’ll say to him, “Where is that in your chart?” And then he’ll look at it and see that it’s in an undefined center, and I say, “You’re full of shit; you’re a lousy astrologer. You don’t know nothing man.”
I’ve made him so depressed he wants to study Human Design now. This is a joke. So, yeah, what I do in situations like that where I take it seriously in the sense that it’s a legitimate, honest question of the moment, is that I just point out to them that basic inaccuracy. If your personality Sun is in a center in a gate, the center’s undefined, the gate is dormant, an astrologer telling you that you’re a Taurus or a this or a that is a joke. You only become that thing when somebody hooks up that center. And you may have a relationship in your life where your partner never hooks it up. Can you imagine?
And the astrologer’s telling you you’re a Taurus and this is the way you do things, and that doesn’t come out. That Sun is locked behind a closed door somewhere. And then your partner, who knows nothing about astrology, reads the description of Taurus and says, “Ah, astrology’s full of shit, he’s not like that.” Because she didn’t bring it out, or he didn’t bring it out of the other. So this is a basic thing about comparing things to Human Design.
The most astonishing thing about Human Design is how accurate it is. You do get to see. I respect the astrologer’s knowledge, the recognition, the revelation of the impact of planets on our lives, what planets mean. I have respect for aspects, but only if they actually function.
One of the people that deeply impressed me in Europe is a man by the name of Döbereiner. He’s one of the greatest astrologers, living astrologers, in the world. He specializes in medical astrology, and on many occasions over the years where we’ve been able to sit together, and of course to be able to see the depth of aspects the way he can, what he knows about a relationship between planets is incredible. But the accuracy of using that, he doesn’t have.
The moment you take that depth in the knowledge and you apply it to the matrix, you apply it to what Human Design is, which is a non-dogmatic field. Projected Channels and Circuitry
And you put it through, and then you get to see whether that aspect is alive or not. If somebody looks at your astrological chart and you’ve got a Mars-Saturn in conjunction, they’re going to give you a whole story about it. But if it’s in an undefined center, it’s not consistent in your life. It’s not a major theme. It is for other people; every time they hook up that center they get it.
So, that’s not my business in this life to be argumentative in the sense of,—I could trash everything because of course I see it from its limited perspective. I see that the modern, revealed synthesis is going to be always much more accurate than any of the components that it’s synthesized out of. It’s just obvious. Astrology is one of those things where you can clearly point it out. After all, the revelation of Human Design has done more to substantiate the basis of astrology than anything ever. I like to think of the fact that I’ve honored astrology just before I kill it.
You know what I mean? “Yes, you were right, the planets do influence us, now drop dead, there’s something new. Because it’s not accurate and this is, eh? Have a nice day.” So welcome to a new day.”