“This whole business about waiting, people think that when you’re waiting you’re not doing anything, and of course it’s not true.
We’re alive.
Most of us stay relatively busy from the time we wake up until we go to sleep. Life goes on.
Everything about living out your own design and everything about bringing somebody else to living out their design is about the day-by-day experiment with living out your Type.
Each new experience that you meet, each new opportunity that is there in front of you, you meet that through your Type.
You’ll find that in eliminating the resistance, you get the reward you need for your experiment.
Remember, Human Design is logic. It is theory put into practice.
And that theory put into practice has to be experimented with, to be verified. You have to verify the experience.
Your clients have to verify the experience themselves.
And you can only do that, not by understanding all of this stuff, that’s your job. That’s what you’re here for. But that isn’t what your client is all about.
They don’t have to become students of Human Design. They have to learn how to live their design.
And they can only begin living their design when they live their Type.
It’s the first step.
They don’t know anything about this knowledge.
It’s the only place to start because it gives you the right mechanics for entering into things and that’s what it’s all about; how you enter into anything.”