“We have two key moments of imprinting, one at 88 degrees of the sun before we are born, and the other at the instant of our actual, physical birth. At these two moments in time, the positions of the planets in our solar system are codifying the neutrino information in very specific ways as it streams through our bodies. Planets vary greatly in density and makeup.
Some consist of solid rock, whilst others consist purely of layers of gases. Every planet also has its own mythology as perceived by man. One could almost say that the planets are the organs of the solar system, and we, humanity, are the brain that gives them their names. Thus our mythologies are, and always have been, our method of attuning to our greater body.
Human design is a synthesis. It is a synthesis of that which we see and that which we do not see. The Bodygraph itself is in fact an illusion that is formed out of the interplay of this duality behind all life. Thus, when we are looking at the impact of the planets in the Bodygraph, we are looking at the patterns that are formed in the cosmic stardust.
These patterns operate as an overlay to the genetic material that we physically inherit from our parents and ancestors. But more than that, these cosmic patterns pass beyond our individual lifetimes and link us into an endlessly incarnating genetic chain of human beings. This cosmic genetic helix links us together across time as one evolving entity, with each of us being merely a cog in the great wheel.
The planets then, are our local programming agents. This is why we have always seen them as the gods in our mythologies down the ages. Every planet, depending where it is in our design, lends its flavor to our nature, at both the conscious and the unconscious level. This is something we need to take into consideration whenever we are looking at a planet, whether it is in a center, a gate or a line”