[Andrea Update] So. I’ve been picking away at this for a few days.
It’s 3” in diameter - hand cast art stone (gypsum cement) and painted with acrylics.
Really appreciating that, in this Medium, I can stop and the piece easily waits until it’s time to do a little more.
It’s the first of the art stones that I cast a couple weeks ago (I made 8 to start with, could totally have slid into the non-sacral ‘not knowing when enough’ Notself zone with that too … it’s so fascinating to watch how that never stops trying to show up 🤦🏻♀️😆 … and never will, though through awareness, I’m able to stop - at 8 😅)
I have to say, watching my wave “see” this as it was coming together- also so so trippy. Lots of “let’s see what happens when we do this” along the way and plenty of head cocking and real dissatisfaction in the process.
Some kind of dread or itchy 😬 feeling in the mix until that last color placement is sorted. In this case it’s the outermost yellow dots that brought that sigh of “ooh, ahhh”
And still I let it alone for a bit longer. When I looked at it again, that same “ooh ahh” sentiment was still there. I knew it was done.
Showed it to John. His reaction was much like Vanessa’s comment on one of the pictures. Matched my (now enduring) feeling about the end result.
Was funny to also see his own Power View and other mechanics kick in. It’s definitely fun when he sees “winning” in something I do.
And what’s also so lovely is, before I get there, his Uncertainty sense has this “I know it will all work out” flavor that has this endless patience built in.
Supported I think by his “I remember when” channel. And our “struggle together” electromagnetic channel.
Hey also, I know I’m tossing in HD jargon, feel free to ask anything … no idea who’s here or how long you may have already been exposed to Human Design.
My 16/48 has also been working out a creative offer to an ongoing conversation space for “all things life through the lens of HD”
Video for that popped out yesterday.
Being a 1/3, I tend to make what I think is going to be a “first draft” of such things, imagining that I’ll go back and refine it.
Maybe one day that’ll happen … maybe not 😅
Meanwhile, good enough works :)
I tend to create with a sort of “iteration march” … this stone is an example of that too - it was inspired by two smaller stones I’d already tinkered on.
Hmm I oughta (or can anyway) take a picture of that to add as a comment - happy to if that’d be interesting 🤔
End early morning ramble.
I’m on neighbor chicken duty for the holiday weekend. Better get to it before the heat sets in :)
Update: Here’s some chick and bunny pics!
And this is the original FB post -