Correctness can be uncomfortable
"It’s obvious to me that you can be correct in your nature and still be tormented by your personality, by your passenger. I have seen it; I’ve had the experience of seeing that in others. It’s there. And for me, Rave Psychology is about the real potential to heal the Passenger. You could call it the light side, if you will, of this duality, the form principle on one side, the light principle on the other side. But the passenger is an illusion.
Who we think we are is an illusion. It’s all a magic show, really, it’s a magic show. And the excitement in this process is to penetrate that, to see how the trick works, to figure it out. Because nobody has ever understood how the mind truly works. I’m not talking about the brain; I’m talking about mind. This is about understanding how the mind works. And realizing something that has not been seen, that is not understood, that there are very specific mental types, that is, very specific ways in which the experience, the process of being, is intended to be seen; the potential.The Passenger is Passive I have that in my life this, I would call it joy, but it is hard being a freak like me, who is so melancholic, to talk about anything as really joy. It is this ability to see without needing to see anything, or without looking for anything.
The Passenger is so passive. It is the vehicle that is an active principle; it is the passenger, this is a passive principle. This is the way the binary turns. The form takes on the active and the personality takes on the passive. But as we well know, personalities and passengers, the last thing on earth that they want to be is passive. They don’t get it. They don’t understand what it means to sit back in the back seat of the limo and to just look out the windows; nothing else. And no matter how beautifully you can express these concepts, no matter your power as a teacher—I’ve seen in my time, teachers with enormous attractive power, but in the end unless you can actually teach them precisely and give them what they need, that you give them a way to align themselves to the way of seeing, this is what it’s all about.
It reminds me, because this is not mystical. It’s so far away from it. And yet, at the same time it reminds me of shaman stories, Castaneda comes to mind, this whole business about trying to teach locked up passengers how to see. Just to try to teach them how to see, to try to break through those barriers so that they can begin to see, because it is about seeing."
-Ra Uru Hu