First FB poke in a loooong time
First chat of the day - it's Kasie Dailey and myself. Our connection chart is attached.
Me: lol you rang?
Kasie: Projector poking!
Me: I haven't been poked via that FB thing in forever 😛
Kasie: Me either I got one yesterday and everyone got the pokes 👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽
Me: hahahaha
Me: this actually feels like a correct use of that vs how it used to be ... people looking for attention or being annoying on purpose
Kasie: Yeah it’s kind of like reminiscing!
Kasie: Reminds me of better times
Me: I think it could seriously depend on who pokes 🙃
Kasie: Yeah when everybody was like continuously poking back-and-forth it was so annoying. But it’s really funny when you think about it. 😂
[right here 👇 is where my open head took over my body 😄]
Me: they were training us for something 😛 and we were learning it fast
Kasie: Haha yes! That’s a funny observation but I don’t know what it is LOL
Me: till one day it was like wait … this is stupid, so they had to try something else
Kasie: Oh my God I’m laughing so hard
Me: FB is a 3rd line entity
Me: (never thought about it like that before)
Kasie: Lol it’s a 3/5 WA 🤣🤣🤣
Me: yeah that
Me: or maybe a 3/6
Kasie: It is really funny how corporations and businesses have their own personality profile and type
Me: learning from it’s mistakes and now partially up in the roof - making mistakes
Kasie: Oh God does that mean it’s going to be the role model LOL
Me: I doubt that Wa’s can be role models, especially if people are living their design, but maybe the people in the machine of it think they can - the algorithm and AI leading that experiment
Kasie: Hmmmm I need more coffee for this topic LOL!
Me: lol
Me: <end transmission>
Kasie: Have a good day xoxo 💋
Me: 🙂 you too
Me: Ima copy and paste this into my Locals community - you wanna be visible or anonymous? LOL
Kasie: Haha sure! I’m good with visibility 😍
Me: alrighty 🙂
I can drop the link here once it's published (maybe soon, maybe not)
Kasie: Okay sounds good! Xoxo it should inspire a good convo!
Me: maybe 🤷♀️ - it's also people being able to peek where they wouldn't normally so - observed-environment friendly content
Plus a way for leveraging the time we just spent, enjoyable as it was.