There’s nothing nastier than a 5
"There is nothing nastier than a five. Talk about the hard edge. Pure, sheer, unadulterated nastiness. It's a by-product of paranoia.
You cannot be a heretic unless you are nasty. And nastiness is also what gets you burned at the stake.
So if you are going to be nasty, you better be right.
I love nastiness. It's so amusing.
When I first started and everyone was coming from these nice, happy smiling teachers and gurus, it was so nice to say, "Fuck off." It was wonderful. So perfectly five nasty.
I remember someone saying to me, "But don't you care?" "No," I said. But that's not true. That is something else about fives. Nastiness is part of their protection.
One of the things the five realizes from the time it is born is that anyone who tries to know it is an idiot, including its mother.
None of these beings that seem to be hanging around them know them, but at the same time want something from them that they may or may not be able to deliver. And it makes fives very nasty.
You cannot just walk into my aura. You can't do that to me. I will be nasty. That's just me. People get a coldness and arrogance from me that I wouldn't ever want to get from me.
What it's saying is, "You want something from me? Good for you, now fuck off." That's the five.
They are born that way. A result of the positive projection. And what comes next is the negative. "He's bad, he is the devil, we should kill him. He should be burned at the stake. Nasty bastard."
And heretics are like that, you think a heretic can stand up and say, "You're a really nice person and I'd like to help you?" No. You're an idiot and you've always been an idiot and going to be an idiot, and if I can tolerate you for a few minutes, then maybe we can fix that. That's the five.
Now I normally don't teach that. But you are teachers. The moment you receive a positive projection, what a burden!
The five is the only line of pure anti-socialism.
Again, there is the movement from the four to the five.
The four has to be social, and it's not personal whereas the five wants to antisocial, and it's not personal.
Now we know all of the nice things we can say: the fives, because of this positive projection, if they have a positive solution, can be of great value.
They are extraordinarily important as being the only spokespeople for a hexagram. They are the only ones that can really call others. No question about all that.
Very nice, very nice.
But this anti-social quality is why there are so few successful five heretics. Most of the time their nastiness, rooted in the Not-Self, leaves them unable to reach out to strangers.
I mean remember something about someone like me. I have absolutely no influence over my friends. I am here to impact strangers only. Think how nasty the five can be when you consider they don't have to be nice to live their role.
Whereas the four always has to pretend they're nice. Always, always, always.
And it's funny to me because when you understand a mechanism, there is nothing you can do about it.
You just step into my movie and you are going to get a 5/1 coming back at you, and you'll walk away with your projection machines.
So when you are dealing with the five as a personality, it's not just about its seductiveness and all these things.
It is that without the work of the practical heretic, we don't have the completion of the process.
The 3/5 and 2/5 have a hard time. Especially the 3/5.
I understand the dilemma of the third line personality and the misfortune of having a 5 underneath. It's one of those things with a 3/5, how incredibly nasty they can be and they are so uncomfortable with their nastiness.
And they are so nasty with themselves. It's, "I'm an idiot," not, "They are an idiot." All at themselves.
Not only that, but the 3/5 has a serious problem; which is that it doesn't like its personality.
"I came into the world to be perfect and look at this personality! I came here to be a saint, to be a savior, to be a general. I am here to rule the world and look at this personality. Blunder after blunder after blunder. And not only that, but they don't let me forget that I blundered." If your identity has been stolen, it's been stolen by a 3/5.
No profile has a more difficult line up as a child. There is the unconscious power of the five that convinces the mother that God has been born, but its three personality convinces her immediately that she's made a mistake, and this child is not God and may in fact be the Anti-Christ.
I mean, God forbid the kid is a 3/5 Manifestor, all hell breaks loose: "I've given birth to the devil."
You wake up a 3/5, and, there is incredible potential in them.
The most difficult thing for a five is to have long-term intimacy in their life. They are here for strangers, for the outsider and have power over those they do not know. They have no power over those they do know. They are not fours.
So if you know them, they lose their power. It is very, very difficult for them, therefore, to have long-term relationships. Familiarity brings contempt. It's also much more difficult to get the reward.
The stranger nastiness of five doesn't get the social opportunities of four.
This is why I continue to enjoy dealing with newcomers every once in a while, just to have fun with strangers again.
The five, therefore, as a child, has no power at home. It's just, "Little Janie, little Johnny, what to expect, It's them; it's how they are."
But when they meet a stranger on the street; "Very powerful child you have." And the parents say, "This kid?"
Whereas when the neighbors of the parents of the four child, say, "Wow, your child is so wonderful and sweet," you say, "Yes that's my little Johnny, that's my little Janie."
-Ra Uru Hu