Quote of the day from Koen
[Projectors] You didn't come here to be a slave on the material plane.
“The basic theme of what it is to be a projector, is the theme of recognition. Look at all the other types, there really isn't anything that's like that, that is, it's the only thematic of the type that point specifically towards awareness and intellectual development. And I think it's one of the real dilemmas that projectors have particularly projector children, who are raised incorrectly and all the things that go with that, is not being able to see your proper place on the material plane.
I think it's one of the most difficult things for projectors is to find a place on the material plane. After all we live on the planet that's dominated by energy types and specifically by generators and generators are here to work. This is what they're here for. This is what that energy is all about. It becomes the dynamic theme of the way in which, generators brought Calvinism, start it's the generator frequency of working hard and being satisfied in your work and enjoying the rewards of your hard labor.
And it's really what has infected humanity, that is the rest of us we’re not generators and I can include myself as one, I’m a manifestor, manifestors, projectors, reflectors, we have undefined sacral centers. We incarnate onto the planet. We come out of the womb. And there's already help-wanted and job direction signals that are immediately placed in front of us. And there's this incredible shock that goes through the projector and goes through the manifestor or reflector when they actually enter into the world.
I mean you come into the world with the assumption that you're just going to slide along. Because that's what it is to be non-sacral. You're here to just slide along. Life is very nice. If you think about the non-sacral being, the non-sacral being is here to know how to enjoy life. The sacral being is here to work. The work is the enjoyment. In the work is the satisfaction. But for the rest of us, the work is the burden.
I mean it's a real burden and the only thing about being a non-sacral being and living on this planet is that we’re the ones, that when we stand there at the altar of adulthood, if we look out of that horizon of work, we go “shit!” “Really? I've got to do this?” Not only do I have to do this, do I have to be paid so badly? That I don't have enough money to enjoy myself and I'm here to enjoy myself and that they tell me that the only way I'm going to enjoy myself is if I work more! So, I have more money for the eight minutes out of every day that I can enjoy. This is the shop that comes to a non-sacral being.
It's like, Wooow, I didn't come here to work, you didn't come here to work. You didn't come here to be a slave on the material plane. You did not. You did not come here to be burdened by the ordeal of work. Getting up in the morning, all of those horrendous things that you have to do. Waiting for a paycheck. Seeing that most of it is been taken by some government somewhere.
This is horror for projectors, I mean horror for projectors. Basically, if you could tune into what they thought, they thought, they were going to get, when they arrived here, it would look very different. They would say: “I have three generators. They work and I'm going to sit here and I want to guide them in my wisdom. So, that they get real satisfaction out of their work. And they are going to pay me, whatever I like. Because this is fundamentally what projectors are all about.
You're not here to put your shoulder to the wheel. This is generator work. Grind away, build things. But then again, they've got this very powerful motor that defines what they are. It does, we don’t have that. And what you have as projectors is that you only have one thing, one thing, that gives you that gateway to not being the slave. I used to joke that my job in this life was to free slaves. I was referring to generators because they are the natural slaves. But then of course you have the super slaves that's you.
This is the projector in the world. Super, super, super slaves. I mean uber slaves, the ultimate slaves are projectors. Ultimate slaves. Because you end up amplifying all that work, work, work, work, work, work, work. You’re conditioned to it. You get locked into it. You spend your whole life exhausted. I mean exhausted. Most projectors get to the end of the day and it's like pfff… Is there, can I have a break here? Can I have a really long break? And you're too exhausted! You end up going to sleep and wake up to the horror, that you've got a do it all over again. And there is nothing more dangerous for projectors then being exhausted.
You're not here to work. You’re here to think. You’re here to see. You are here to express an outer authority that provides guidance. You're here to organize energy. You are here to guide energy. And you're here to get rewarded for that.
You're not here to be the worker. You're not. And you see, it's like if you go back to the Hindu, Brahman, India. Go back to that that whole tradition. They developed a caste system, which wasn't particularly racial as a caste system. It was occupational. You have certain hierarchies, every caste had its own job that it, did this is the way it worked, you’re a cast! This is the projector cast and you all should be raised in the moment you come into the world to be guides. From the moment that you come into the world, to be trained to take supervisory management positions. I mean there is nothing like the horror of a projection of projector on the floor of the factory. I mean, maybe 25 years of horror later, they might get to middle-management and suddenly have a certain kind of relief that they finally made made their way out of that morass.
I see projectors with their businesses and their stuff. They Drive themselves mad. Because are flying around on the slave energy. Trying to be generators. Trying to get things done. Trying to build things, instead of being in a natural position where they are guiding other people to do that, to do that. It's not like all the generators in the world would enjoy this description. They wouldn’t. I mean they've been freed as slaves. It’s not like they want to be somebody else's “you do this, you do that.”
It’s what makes it so different this ascendancy of the projector, the presence now of this projector force on the planet and there's a lot of you after all. I mean 1 and 1/2 billion projectors on planet Earth. That’s a lot of projectors. A lot of super slaves. It's a lot of people that are going to die, to soon, of exhaustion of complete absolute fatigue and burnout. Because this is the greatest threat for projectors. This is how generators kill off projectors. And they do! Right?
You’re a projector and you’re living with a generator. It all sounds good on paper, right? Only on paper does that sound good. Only. Yeah, you’re a projector right? You got this energy inside of you and it's bubbling and it's cooking and it’s amplifying and you're dealing with that energy. The typical projector generator couple, they are sitting in front of the television. The generator is been doing all the cranking, the projector is amplifying. The generator says I'm tired, I’m going to sleep, the projector stays in front of the tube for hours, for hours, on the generators energy. Not theirs. And then they're absolutely exhausted. You have things like sleep apnea, all of these problems that people have with their backs, with their kidneys, all of this is projector ailments. Go to sleep exhausted, go to sleep burned out, wake up in the morning not refreshed, get caught in the same cycle. No, I’m not suggesting that you never have anything to do with generators. What I'm suggesting is that you be wise, in the nature of your relationships.
There's two things to understand about being here on this plane in this life. One is you have to be correct for yourself. The next is you go to turn around and see that the world is filled with people so you got to deal with them. And you really do need to be able to discern, who is correct for you and what is correct for you. The first thing to understand about what it is to be an adult projector, is that an adult projector has already long ago abandoned the fact that they are at the top of the heap. They never got to see it, They never got to realize it, they don't believe it.
Remember that only the projector is given such a thing as success as a signature. That's a very difficult thing. Because it means that failure, is so much a part of what it is to be a protector. That failure is always lingering for the projector and it's the failure that comes when the projector is not a projector and is not ready to claim their rightful place. Look, in a world that's been run by not-self generators for so long, everybody's chasing after things. This is the way you’re conditioned when you’re coming into the world. This is the way your culture works. It’s pointing you towards chasing after this and chasing after that and you've got to get this and you gotta get that, you have to do this, you have to do that. You’re a projector.
If you're really a projector everybody who ever gets to know you at some level or another will resent the fact that you're good at it. Because if you're really a good projector, boy do you slide! Things just come your way. They're just there. Everybody else is struggling for this and that, you're just, it's just there. And you don't get that, until you are all hundred percent ready, to see if it's there. It's the most difficult thing about being the projectors, that you’re so deeply conditioned that is very difficult, to just let go and start from scratch! Cause you got all this stuff that you're hooked on and all of the stuff, that you think, because you're very connected to the way in which life on the planet is organized. In other words you're designed to have a specific relationship, to the other two groups all of those things. Because you can never develop that, as long as you are like them. As long as you're not what you are. Only when you're ready to be a projector, really ready to be a projector, will you see that it's all there for you. Otherwise you don't get the slide. You don't, you really don't. And that's what your life is about. You are not tied down by generating and manifesting. They have rules! And their rules are heavy rules. They have their own trip. It's not who you are. You're here to recognise.”
Ra Uru Hu