I haven't internalized this yet - dropping in here to be able to find again (maybe lol). Also - in the image - 'Mutation' is Individual [circuitry]
“Mental awareness dominates our lives. It dominates the way in which we perceive the world that we live in.
Having a totally unconscious mind, I find the whole mind business hilarious anyway.
But humanity seems to take their minds very seriously, so we take a look at it in the same way that we have looked at the splenic system. We will begin with the potential.
Keep in mind about the nature of the mind that when we are dealing with the mind, we are dealing with two processes - a collective process which is visual, and an individual process which is acoustic. So we have two different processes at work.
The visual process is the dominating one. The second thing to keep in mind is that when you are dealing with the mind, you are dealing with a time machine.
This is the other nature of the mind.
The abstract collective mind is about the relationship from the present to the past. The logic collective process is about the nature of the mind in terms of the present projected into the future. When you are dealing with the individual process, this is in a pulse in what we can theoretically call the now. This is experienced as the present.
These three aspects make up this time machine.
We are looking at this machine not only in terms of its time but also in terms of this quality, that is the visual or the acoustic quality.
From the emotional side and from the splenic side, we have been working with waves that are being generated. The mind does not generate any waves. The mind is a filter for waves and it resonates to the waves.
When you are dealing with the collective process, as they cross in the brain they will resonate to the side that they are moving towards.
So the abstract process (what we call the past, what our memory points us towards in the past) resonates to the emotional waves.
The collective logic resonates to the awareness waves of the splenic system.
When you come to the acoustic phenomena of the individual process, it resonates to both.
Keep that in mind as we are moving through these processes. We will begin with the abstract process which is therefore deeply kin to what we call the emotions.
This is the emotional mind.
We will begin with the emotional awareness in the mind. The whole emotional mental system begins with Oppression in the 47th gate.”