HD Projectors and Recognition - a personal ah hah!
Mornings are the best time for pulling goodness from my Right Mind.
Today is no different.
Here's what went down.
In one of the groups for Projectors who are also Entrepreneurs (the one Emma Rose of http://thewildflowercircle.com facilitates so perfectly with her messages of Hope and Transparency), I had what is a pretty important clarity penny drop.
About what makes people correct for me to be spending private time with and what doesn't.
I also made a video a few months ago that begins to explore my specific HD Motivation (Color 1 - Fear), which really hasn't anything to do with my Fear when it's operating correctly.
You can watch that by clicking below.
HD Motivation, paired with HD View/Perspective is ultimately about our Outer Authority - which is about our ideal output for the other, for the world.
Back to what happened today.
It started with a post that said something like "I hear all Projectors do best with referrals for their business, how does that show up for you in your business? How does that get ...