Correcting detriments & compromises?
[Notes on Ra about detriments & compromises in relationships - thanks for posting this Laeticia]
Question: when someone puts you in the detriment, by following your own response, can you step yourself back out of that?
Ra said:
« No, you can't. It's one of the things that is so interesting for me because we have a way of looking at detriments that leave out their magic. I don't see detri- ments as being bad or difficult. I like what the Chinese say: Good news, bad news, who knows? If you're operating correctly and somebody is bringing out a detriment in the characteristic of your partnership, there is something in that that is essential for you to confront and deal with. It isn't necessarily something that's going to be bad.
What I've discovered most about detriments is that if you're really operating correctly, the detriment becomes a benefit. There are things that it brings to you when you're not resisting it, when you're not falling into its not-self quality, that can really be remarkable. And most of them need to be discovered. »
« But again, any negative in a chart that is a result of two people coming together, it only becomes a dilemma when those beings are not operating correctly. That's when it becomes a problem. And it's always going to be highlighted through the same place. Every single problem you have in a relationship comes out in a Compromise. It's like what Saturn is to you in a chart. Every time something needs to be pointed out to you, it comes to the place where your Saturns are active in your design. »
« My thing is: Let's return people to the integrity of what it is to be their own Authority. Let's give them the tools to be able to understand how to meet the other. Let's show them what the basic problems are and let's encourage them to experiment and see the transformation that can take place in their process. »
Source : Partnership Analysis (2005)
Andrea’s comment:
Detriments and compromises are a mechanic. Like Ra is saying here - nothing to be “done about them”
When we can see them/ have awareness of them … then being a witnessing passenger becomes the possibility.
And yeah - all roads lead to individual correctness aka. allowing our Design to be “enough” (because, after all, it’s also everything)
I think the only question is, how much resistance can we allow to not be. That’s the game.
Or not 🙂