“If you give a mouse a cookie” …
Lol I just realized why I love that children’s book so much - besides feeing completely understood as a mother with young children when I first read it - I can now see it’s also how my open head and G work in tandem together 😅
Here’s a (short) example of the this leads to that wander of those two things together via my 1st line I suppose … and how randomly I came to be reading a Wired article from May 2000 about Terrance McKenna’s final days - before getting out of bed this morning.
For clarity, not even pot is for me - so I’m guessing magic mushrooms are out 😄🤷🏻♀️
Here’s the article I bumped into and enjoyed - kind of interesting to read 21 years later tbh.
(I’ve also been watching stories about surviving/escaping Scientology via Leah Remini’s series on Netflix - so maybe there’s something in the air … bumping into McKenna would’ve served those folks so much better imho 👀 … but I digress.)
Anyway - back to the Give a Mouse a Cookie part …
The way I arrived at that article is -
Most morning before I wake all the way up, I peruse/scroll my (by now well-curated) FB messages, notifications and then Newsfeed - usually in that order.
@Zavia posts this McKenna quote on her timeline (pictured) … so it appears in my newsfeed.
I do a double take - not about the quote but because of the picture. It looks so much like a guy I once dated. Maybe I can find a picture - it’s freaky actually. (Hmm … he was a big pot lover too 🤔)
So I Google Terrance McKenna - to see more pictures. Yeah it’s just the one that looks like Tim.
But I’m down the rabbit hole now. 🙃 so I look around a little more. Usually my first stop is to check and see how old they are now - if they’re still living.
And it’s that search that lead me to this article. Whoever wrote it - was/is a good writer 👍🏼
And aside from the interesting background of the history of psychadelics - from McKennas eyes…
My investigation stopped there.
Of way more interest to me was the description of his off grid property.
So now I’m off to drink in some more of that 😅
Then maybe I’ll get up :)
Maybe. It’s kinda chilly here still and the covers are warm and cozy…
Had an unexpected and somewhat long Zoom yesterday. Still feeling the effects of that too. It’s kind of like a hangover tbh. Not entirely a fan.
The idea of something tasty is what usually gets me up and going.
Tuesday that looked like asking Aleda to cook me a glazed ham and arriving to her house with it mostly done along with scalloped potatoes for lunch.
Love love glazed ham. Could never be Muslim or Jewish or Vegitarian … because pork 😍
Anywhoo, all that means it’s Thursday already! 👀
I caught wind a couple days ago of a HD Immersion event that Maryann Winiger is doing in Asheville, NC starting on Saturday - I checked and that’s only about 8 hours a way. Wouldn’t mind going, but … it’s already Thursday and my body doesn’t seem to be moving.
So far it’s just a nice seeming idea 🤷🏻♀️😊
Let’s see what happens next :)
And if I can find a picture of Tim - I’ll drop it in the comments … it’s pretty eerie tbh.
Ooh and here’s an online flip-through version of that book ❤️