This question just came up via @BrandeeSweesy on a FB thread so I thought dropping it in here with the Ra quote that started it all (on Chitanya's wall) could be valuable as a reference at some point.
Ra said -
"I don't mean to be overly dramatic. But I do like to put things on the line.
If you want to wake up, the WA is the enemy. It doesn't matter what context. It really doesn't. I've put myself in WA situations, like the Ibiza Event once a year.
It's more refined in terms of the energy that one deals with, there's no question about that. And in my particular case it does not really do much harm to my process since it's focused on initiating. I take on that WA role. And it is the dominant role.
Even though it's part of my design anyway, I can feel everything else falling behind it. It's quite obvious to me at this point.
We have this classic 10.6 experience to deal with here, hypocrisy, because there is inherent hypocrisy in all of this, at least one that I see.
It's obvious that if somebody is going to be transformed in their life, the last thing they need is to be well-fitted into a WA, if you know what I mean.
And the only way that you can do that is by understanding that there isn't anything else as an option for that.
But it's still something to see.
It's like handing somebody over to some mad programming guru somewhere, one of these crazy ones, one of the sick ones, the Jim Jones types. Grasp it at that level.
The moment that you step into the WA you step into the WA mechanics.
The moment you step into the WA mechanics you step into the homogenized world exactly the way it operates and you become part of it.
And yes, you have a strategy and authority, but again, you're a deep, deep, deep minority that has this protection in terms of the decision-making process that the WA tries to pull you into, and you can feel the WA's power.
It is the great conforming engine.
And it is also the engine as you can see that establishes instantaneously hierarchies.
And these hierarchies operate at many, many levels, biological and genetic, through business, through associations, through friendships, through all of these things.
It structures everything, hauls everything into exactly the same homogenized system. And it's very powerful. "
And I commented -
Penta = 3-5 people working as a team
Wa = 3 Pentas (so 9-15 people in 3 teams) plus an Alpha/ head of those 3 teams
Oh and each of those, Penta and Wa, involve specific gates coordinating and working together - in a “perfect” formation.
Which you can see in this attached image.