Our Mind is not for Controlling Our Vehicle
I seem to meet an awful lot of people with 64/47 or one of the Gates solo.
Personally, I have 3x activations of Gate 47 - the Gate of (potential) notself mental Opression. And an all the way open head - just ripe for any and all thoughts to come wandering by lol.
Nothing to do other than grab some popcorn and watch the dang movie :)
Here's Ra -
"The abstract [collective - keynote: sharing] circuit is deeply related to the solarplex emotional system.
- There is in that sense no truth in the now for the abstract mind.
- There is only the transitoriness of ideas.
- There is only the sense of things rather than the truth of things.
That is a hardship (47.1), there is no stability in that.
It makes for people who have very uncomfortable inner mental lives, because they can’t make sense out of their life. They are not supposed to.
They are supposed to live their life according to their design, and allow their mental perceptions to come out when they are called.
If you think about the nature of connections between the Head and the Ajna and the Ajna and the Throat these are all Projector channels.
Remember that if you look at a channel according to its type it reveals its mystery to you. The 64-47 cannot stand up and shout, “I have made sense of something,” no one will listen. It has to wait for it to be recognized.
And at the moment it is recognized it can be offered if they follow according to their nature then the value of their mind will be shared with others and they will not be tormented for it.
Now look ... stupid before enlightenment and stupid after.
I have this wonderful mind, it is great for you, it has never stopped being a pain in the neck for me.
It still tells me the dumbest things about myself, and what I should do and could do and might have done, because that’s the nature of mind, I don’t pay any attention to it.
You get into a situation where you are annoyed you are upset, whatever the case may be. Your mind rattles and rattles and rattles and rattles. It goes from I am going to kill them, to I am going to beg them, or whatever it is, you go through the whole thing. It gets all cranked up.
Now I have splenic authority. I only know what I know in the moment.
So my mind thinks I hate this person and I am gonna rip their throat out and then they step into my aura and I smile at them and ask them if they are having a nice day.
All that jumble and bumble in my head was just the jumble and bumble in my head, cause that’s what our minds are like. That’s what they do, that’s all they do.
And they are always measuring and comparing because that’s what minds do.
- Minds get upset all the time
- they get annoyed all the time
- they get disappointed all the time.
This is mind.
You take that personally and allow that to guide your decision making and you live the life of the not-self. Guaranteed.
And mind is powerful…
It’s about being a witness to your mind, its not about being mind.
It is about recognizing that mind is part of your vehicle; It doesn’t control the vehicle.
There is more neural activity in your solar plexus than there is in your frontal lobes. The lymphatic system has greater impact on whether or not you are going to stay here in the world than all of that firing of your neurons in your brain.
It is just part of the apparatus, and it is there so we can communicate with each other that’s all. It is not there to dictate our fate. "
~Ra Uru Hu