Outer Authority - found this post and remembered I’d made this video about Outer Authority awhile back -
Human Design - what is Outer Authority?
Let’s see if they go together 😊
[edit to add - I no longer do extended charts for the general public for free, but am currently still happy to make them through this link: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/planetandrea]
I did a pair of them yesterday with a video reply for the questions part (see that page for context on the offer) … they were for a gal who found me on YouTube 😍
Sweet, organic content driven recognition! ☺️
Now here’s a Ra piece on Outer Authority (via Jen Zarda, via a share in a FB group - why that matters will come clear I think)
“One of the subjects that is least discussed in Human Design is outer authority.
It is really basically ignored.
In many ways, it’s an essential ingredient because our great battle is with mind.
And of course, mind is the decision maker; it has to be stopped. That this is not what mind is about.
But from the very beginning of my teachings of authority, this...