I think tomorrow, I may share a video I made about a year ago and the backstory of how I came to be watching it again today.
The video itself is a story of this crystallization over time that Ra is referring to below.
Plus it was a delightful and very “in Design” experience.
Yeah it’d be good to get that down on paper 🤩
Meanwhile, here’s Ra on being the passenger -
“You don’t have to learn how to drive the car because you’re never going to drive the car because it’s not your job to drive the car.
You’re never going to change the car because the car is what it is.
You’ve got the vehicle that you have and the driver that you have, now sit back and don’t interfere.
Just let the car drive.
And letting it drive means living out your Type and then it drives.
It’s hard to get rid of all that propaganda.
Very few people are ready to actually live their Type because of the consequences of it.
It will take a large wave of energy to bring that about. That will come.
But it’s essential to understand that that’s your ingredient.
You see, if you’re living your Type, it means that everybody who comes into your life knows there’s something different about you.
And what you share with them in that moment has a much deeper impact.
You have to live by your Type.
You have to live by your Type more than anybody else.
That’s the most important experiment for you.
If you can’t live by your Type, quit Human Design, do me a favor. Because that’s the only thing that’s really worth experimenting with.
You already have—all of you— loads of information. You can keep collecting information.
That’s okay.
But if you live out your Type, that information crystallizes in a way that you can’t even imagine.”