[Andrea update] - “Traditional” Course Creating Experiment almost over. Permanently.
Yep, I’m officially firing myself from teaching classes … well, pre-scheduled ones anyway lol.
Here’s what I discovered this year (this started in January with my HD Foundations program - been nothing but swimming upstream all year since then).
I can’t do it alone. I mean I could … but I can’t - iykyk…
> My Right Mind (non-strategic),
> Open G (no direction ‘preference’)
> and undefined ego (not here to make promises - including setting a schedule) …
It turns out, are just not built for it.
The scheduling part most of all. It almost quite literally KILLS me (okay okay, a hair melodramatic, but you get the gist?)
But also the planning, or anti-planning and direction decisions…
Oof, being an open G chameleon with possibility view is heck-all on picking direction.
SO I end up being available in many many directions and even the place we think we’re going is often not where the juiciest bit that emerges hails from - which is perfect … when I’m working individually.
My Unexpected Cross which has its purpose fulfilled through Mind (via my thoughts turned to words for others), it’s so much more able to make its magic without resistance that way.
So, back to 1 on 1 agreements I go.
(And member supported spaces like this one, but that’s a different critter entirely - and right up my Markets Internal alley <3 )
To help this transition flow, I’m finding I have the energy to open a limited number of assorted 1:1 sessions.
So, that’s now my focus filter through the end of the year and ideally also might be able to invite a couple of folks to my 6 mo / annual guidance seats, 2 of which are opening up soon (if you think one of those could be for you, please raise your hand sooner than later).
“Your Differentiated Marketing Mission Statement” (aka HD MissionStatement 2.0) - this has been on the to-do list now for months.
Ready now and what a great way to put a bow on the year and prepare for a fresh start in 2025.
It’ll be a series of 2 zooms with some ‘homework’ in between. It’s also the last playshop I hope to be scheduling. Last time Live offered in this exact way - ever.
This year I’ve really been brought to clarity around what doesn’t work (for me) - and my 3rd line is more than happy to break the bond.
But first to jumpstart this Right Mind of mine with some interaction and fresh clarity of direction - something that is never (ever) up to me.
Direction for me gets determined by the people who arrive, and from there my Authority has something to decide about.
Until then … and for the past oh 4+ months or so … utter and complete blankness :o! #rightmindlife
Which of course, drives my actual Mind crazy. Been pretty hilarious to watch.
So to move forward, while I am ironically also simultaneously waiting, I’ve come to the idea to open up 3 spots for each of these (single/solo) sessions - the ones marked “BETA” are still in early experiment and are priced accordingly (aka about 1/2 - 1/3 of the current price of my more established sessions) :
Here’s what I’ve got -
> The Original Notself Sessions - a comprehensive jumpstart or restart to your own Awareness experiment (bring someone else’s chart too, we’ll be needing it)
> Doing Business as Yourself Sessions (BETA round 2) - for those entrepreneurial at heart navigating the world as it is, who want to be doing that as themselves.
> Recognizing Recognition & reducing bitterness sessions (BETA) - if you wonder what an invitation is and isn’t, this one might be for you. Having clarity of how to see recognition and talking through your personal examples can be really helpful for seeing more clearly and in being able to confidently answer questions like, “Is this an invitation?” and “How do people get them in the first place?
> Parenting Projectors 3 P’s Session (BETA round 2) - where we look at parent/child and/or family dynamics as related to PHS, Profile and Personal Authority. Being able to see and experiment with new ways of engaging these mechanics can bring a lot of peace, acceptance and supportive new flows to that place you call home.
> Communication Audit Session (BETA) - gain insights into your own communication and explore how to navigate communication better with specific people in your current life.
> SoundBoarding Lite Sessions - for Self-projected & Mental Ps (BETA) - the most unclear and beta experiment of them all. I think they can be a thing & I’ve had the idea of them on my wave for 8+ years. Some successful experiences are already under my belt, but let’s see. There’s value and possibility there, I just don’t have words to quantify it - yet.
The point will be for you to talk with minor clarification questions and the occasional counter opinion or devil’s advocate poke so you can hear what you really know/think/believe. I think it can be beneficial to have someone else who has/can receive and hold space for all of your details. That’s one of my ’no choice’ powers - almost no such thing as too many details.
If any of these are grabbing your interest or you have questions that might help you make a decision, please comment below (fun gifs always appreciated) and/or shoot me a DM.
Remember, there are only 3 of each of these available currently (can update here as they become unavailable).
Oh and, if the Mission Statement class, where we take a look at our charts and develop ‘Design favorable’ answers to the dreaded “and what is it you do?” is for you, let’s hear that too, k?
(Can easily bundle this last Live class with a private session if desired)
Whelp, that’s what I’ve got for the moment.
Let’s see what happens next? :)
I appreciate you!