Our Values & Where They Hail From
So something or other has me down this rabbit hole of “where do my values hail from”
The term Judeo-Christian popped into my head, but apparently that’s not quite it (except that it kinda is too - comes down, like everything, to semantics and context).
That article and the resulting discussion those two (the bloggers) have via the comments section about says it all.
Meanwhile -
Forget the idea of identifying what my values are - vocally or on a list for example - in a way that someone else can then say “ahh I see” … to me this is more effectively demonstrated and defined by the beholder - honestly that feels like something better left to those with a defined G and/or ego… I’m just not a labeler.
But it’s not that I’m without values - obviously - it’s just understanding where they’ve hailed from (outside conditioning) that’s got me on a Google wander this morning.
Human Design can point to my individually unique values. Search Venus under the #planets hashtag - that begins to reveal the filter we each have that refines or even informs our personal values.
The search has brought me back to considering religion and its (relatively indirect and yet possibly more than I realize) impact on my life so far.
The big umbrella religions that I’ve experienced first hand and know have had an influence are:
- Buddhism
- Judaism
- Christianity
The main purpose of religion, imho - is to offer 2 things -
1. Community/tribal bonds
2. Rules in common for life
My actual interest in religion limited though it may be (as in I literally lose interest in, feel extremely neutral about it and generally uninterested) seems to begin and end at the social hour door. Is a social hour after services a universal thing? 🤔🤷🏻♀️
And tbh that’s always been first, about the food and second, about being able to catch up with people I enjoy.
We’re not a church going family at this point. Never have been. I wonder sometimes if the kids missed out in some way, but then I remember -
Aleda (3/5 emo mg) had the same experience as I did, via my Aunt’s and cousins church. She appreciates having had that taste.
Morgan (4/6 emo gen) - probably would have drank it up … she always did need the village. Maybe best she didn’t have that particular conditioning cross-pollinated with her developing years.
And Zane, (1/3 self p), is like me and really isn’t built for socializing with groups of other people. He would have been tortured by that as a family practice.
And yet, they’re all getting - by connection to me - some measure of whatever is carried through value-wise via my own primarily what I think of as mid-west “American” values (both parents hail from Ohio)
And I’m so aware of how much I imagine I can’t see (thanks to the occasional glimpse of completely different worlds and cultural realities - just binged on a series that was about arranged marriages in India, for example) because of course, here I am and always have been … swimming in the water of my own experience.
So where am I going with this 🤔 (just chuckled at the open G - driven question)
No where in particular :)
Is the answer.
Sharing my wander and open head thoughts of the moment I guess.