Maybe you remember that I have Gate 21 activated on an undefined (white/unconscious/inconsistent energy) ego center.
I think I seriously (notself behaviorly) abused that center btw - ended up having my Gall bladder removed several years ago - I think I was 45.
Interestingly perhaps? .. that would have been a year or two before meeting Human Design. Makes me wonder if that surgery could have been avoided.
You'll see how that's possibly connected in the passage below from Ra:
"[Gate] 21 ego people always suffer at the hands of the other centers. If you had all centers sitting in a room doing therapy together, all 8 of them would be picking on the ego. They really would they would be picking on the ego, it is this little center with 4 little gates and all the other centers just gang up and pick on it…
It is a child after all so it gets treated in a childlike fashion. It is this wonderful essence of what we are, it is our heart after all and it is our stomach…the ego is something that is very, very special.
But the fact is that these ego beings they must be in control. They can’t have other forces dominating them.
And the moment that they do they have enormous difficulty. And when the ego is in trouble death is not far away.
The essential ingredients of the ego, the aspects of the ego, the thymus which is part of our immune process, the heart muscle itself, the gall system itself, these are areas of enormous vulnerability and the ego brings a lot of death. It brings a lot of death simply because it is not allowed its power.
And this is the first rule for the 21, is to recognize that it inherently is here to control. Not because it is better not because others are sheep that need to be led, it is simply because that is its role in this life. That is the mechanics of what that gate is. "
~Ra Uru Hu