Ready for a Secret Beliefs zoom?
Am kicking around the thought of hosting another Secret Beliefs zoom.
Could be this Saturday or next. Probably midday my time (Eastern US) ...
Scratch that ^ ... how's Sunday around 2pm-ish Eastern Time suit 'ya? (already have 2 yeses)
Anyone who’s already watched at least one of the videos in that training is welcome :)
But I never schedule without raised hands. Mmm let’s say three minimum? 🤔
It’s a great training and the conversations range far and wide because it’s not just business applicable.
Here’s the link to add the content to your Planet Andrea member area if you haven’t already.
And if you have watched part of all of what’s in there (new replays included as available) ...
Any thoughts about your experience in the comments would be hugely welcome.
I know I’m personally super biased about it - additional voices would be lovely 😊
Photo: Mark and me, NYC April 2014