Your HD & Your Business - Let’s call this a mini-launch :)
Sorry if this is a repeat (posted this earlier in one of my remaining FB groups) ... c’est la vie :)
Okay, so let’s say this is a mini-launch.
One that started with my video in the kitchen ...
And let’s call that the Intro Video.
(said my 17/62 which can see there’s gonna be some sort of organization in the mix here - or the potential for us all to get confused is real 😆🤓)
Well, really it started way before that - and this is a culmination of ... something - and also potentially a beginning of the next eh? 🙂
Saying this out loud as much for my sake as yours - words are the bridge to me having any clue on directions to go in 🙂 so I find it easiest I guess to speak stuff like this into existence (or not).
Like I mentioned in video - completely open G here. Choosing direction - NOT my gig. WHO shows up has a huge impact on what gets pulled from my Right Mind. And that largely affects the direction.
Though I am gathering steam on ideas for what extras that can remove the risk might be included ...
A few questions for my own clarity - if you could weigh in on each of these, that could be so helpful (let’s call this “taking the temperature of the room” 🙃😊)
I may feel lead to create a more comprehensive “taking of the inventory” level questionnaire (that can hopefully be useful to you even on its own merits), but for now - here’s what comes to mind -
1. Are you familiar with the idea of Irresistible Offer creation? 🤔
2. Also some discussion of Storyselling (basics) is likely to enter into this. Interesting for you? Or no?
3. How far along into your experiment are you?
I think that’s enough for this post.
Keep your eyes and ears peeled for a Video called “Seeds of Possibility” that I think can stand as Video 1 for us in this little adventure 🙂
Oh hey one other question...
4. Where are you with video -
- they’re a breeze, no sweat
- I know they’re impactful but forget to make them (this is me 🤓)
- don’t see the point
- the idea horrifies me
I had the loveliest spontaneous recognition in this direction arrive yesterday in a voice message - I’m reminded again that this is part of my superpower.
Maybe you need it, maybe not.
Here’s me first thing this morning.
Getting this downloaded to you before even wandering into the house to pee 🙂 (I sleep out in my Studio)
And so the Coddiwomple begins 🤗
Appreciate you!