“JUPITER: Law & Protection & Expansion
Jupiter represents our own personal laws.
Wherever Jupiter is in your chart, this is the law that you must obey in your life.
When you live out your law, you are going to feel correct.
When you honor a law, in the end you get your reward. Jupiter is where you get your reward if you honor your law.
Jupiter is the great lawgiver.
Jupiter is Moses carving the word into stone. It is Jupiter that is the king of kings and lays down the law. It is the great lawgiver.
Jupiter is a binary.
It can bullshit you into hell or it can make you enormously rich in spirit and material.
It is a double-edged sword and that sword is whether you honor your law.
The gates where you have Jupiter, you can see the heart of your law.
To honor your law is about being yourself. If you are following your strategy, the truth of your law emerges.
Cycles of Saturn impact on our inner development, while cycles of Jupiter define our outer development, our relationship to others, and our relationship to the whole.
Venus establishes the values that Jupiter will turn into law.
The values of a 12-year old are obviously different than the values of a 24-year old.
Each Jupiter cycle brings such changes.
The fluid values of Venus, which are based on aesthetics, are hammered into stone with each new Jupiter cycle.
This is not the abruptness of a revolution, but a naturally evolving transformation.
Whenever Jupiter in transit creates a definition in your chart, it is a time of potential transformation and the beginning of a new process.
This is particularly significant when the Jupiter activation is linking a split definition or connecting a Projector or Reflector to either the Sacral or the Throat.”