Vanessa (whose 8-1 is defined) shared this.
My creative channel is 16/48 - collective channel of Talent.
The idea that “I am art” is true, maybe particularly with my G (the identity center) being open … “I am art” is so unrelatable. 🤓
But John’s chart also has a defined 8-1. I totally get how that’s true for him too. He is most himself in his creativity.
“In looking at individual creativity, one of the things to be clear about individual creativity is that the three individual creative channels the 10-57, the 8-1, and the 25-51-they all originate in the Self.
Individual creativity is always about their identity always. They are their art.
I am art. I don't make art. You are it. And this is the whole thing about individual creativity, individual creativity is literally in the identity and out of the identity.
And that, of course, is going to make it different than other kinds of creativity.
It also is amusing to note that these three different versions of individual creativity are all projected elements. None of them have the capacity to manifest. None of them have the capacity to generate.
Individual creativity specifically is about the identity being recognized.
That's why when we give a label to somebody who is creative, we call them an artist. We give them that as an identity. You even have Prince who changed his name to The Artist. That's classic. I am art. I am the art. I do not make or create art, I am art. That's cute. I never know what I'm going to say -- the nature of individual creativity.”
Ra Uru Hu