When I started my experiment 10 months ago, I didn’t know where it would take me.
(Surprise!) I was so confused, mind so full of garbage, laying on me “you’re too stupid for this, you’ll never get it” blah blah blah.
I didn’t anticipate such a growth in under a year. My splenic is getting better, I miss plenty of cues of course; but I have this gorgeous 3rd line process combatting my mind, or maybe even teaming up with it to continue the lessons. The lessons!
The deeper my awareness grows, the easier it’s become to decide, plenty of small things occurring and showing off. Head tilts, brows furrowing, the movement toward/away, listening and attuning to the small “voice”. A whisper. Upset stomach, dry mouth, twitching; it’s no longer “anxiety” but what I call pressure- nervousness, uncertainty.
I’ve deleted “mistakes” from my daily lessons. The spicy decisions, now they are where I learn. Occasionally I’ll say I made a mistake, over the smallest, mundane shit. (Eating a jack in the box taco in my car while driving, I think was my last “mistake”) it’s not chalked up in my mind these days, I can recognize the pressure, the mental activity, and let it sit there, not warping my entire being into that little ball of anxiety like from the movie inside out 2 (great movie made me cry I took myself out on a date to see it last summer !)
I’ve eased right into this process, in such a short amount of time. The realest, truest thing I can say I am really excited about is knowing this is just the beginning. It goes so much deeper. I go so much deeper.
And if, in 10 months, I feel this good- no more whack emotions that keep me chained, awake, for days, weeks at a time. Self deprecation is gone- a deeper self love I’ve CRAVED my entire life- the desire to use drugs to escape what is to be me; lifted now entirely.
Then I can only truly imagine what the potential of the rest of my life can really be.
I wake up ready for every day now. For 2 weeks, it’s a huge smile glued to my face.
I am in love with myself. I became my best friend. Human design has given me the empowerment to TRUST MYSELF and THAT is what I longed for my entire life. This is an amazing ride. I love my movie.
P.S. the best part is recognizing even through the lows; as I pitch on an amplified momentary wave, I can grasp myself and wait it out. Anger doesn’t capture me anymore I don’t sit in it. Depression isn’t something I can be fooled by. Last week in this transit, I fell to my knees bawling in grief for somebody I was close to at one point knowing they had a funeral the next day and I cried for them and their family. And it was an intense wave, the first true emotional amplification I was able to really hold to with the understanding it was gonna pass. And it did. There is plenty to keep learning but this is me validating myself so far and I LOVE IT! (Forest hike included cause trees= life for me today. My friend jokes that maybe I’ll end up with someone with the design of a tree cause
That’s the only place I can manage to STFU entirely 🤣)