Note I wrote (from the past) :)
Just found this in Projector VIP as I was looking for something else :)
[Aug 2016 - I would have been 1 year into my experiment.]
"So I've been feeling things in my body - and noticing!
Two specific events stand out in the last week or so ...
One was a full on emotional reaction to an exchange .... that showed up in my body as heat. Lots and lots of heat LOL. Like my blood was boiling. Since my emotional authority is both on the other side of a split and unconscious - that was fun to notice (lol getting hot all over again just typing this). Took a splenic P to talk me down off the ledge so to speak - grin.
I'm not agitated that often, but when I am - it's an explosion But the cool part here (for me) was the noticing of the heat - seeking the mechanical to watch vs. focusing on reasons.
The second notice was more unexpected and funny to all 3 involved when I said what was happening out loud.
I let myself get overly tired one day last week - was back to back energy asks from clients and the kids being home etc ... I neglected to take a nap (or 3 - grin). It wasn't even that late .. maybe 9pm ... and I found myself on the couch sandwiched between Sacral Generator husband and Emotional Generator daughter
(she's the middle baby that I literally had serious doubts about surviving her younger childhood - a different story for a different day - we get on well now, even better since learning how to be more effective at guiding her energy - ty HD! - now she's an asset )
Anyway - there I was - pooped. All tapped out of my own energy - and really no way to work with theirs either. Happy, relaxing but empty of all energy - should've headed to bed an hour before or more.
And they were having an animated conversation across me - I stuck something in here and there - but they were super into it (couldn't tell you the topic)
Then my skin - all of it ... like the underside ... started buzzing! LOL
It was the craziest feeling (I was SO much too tired) and luckily there wasn't any big emotions activating John's undefined SP - 'cause at night that can be a real thing... everyone was happy ...
But then I HAD to leap up suddenly and move away - and they were like whoa ... that's super random movement "where you going?? stay with us!"
And I was like "omg my skin is buzzing from you two generators! I got to go!"
We all laughed and I finally got myself to bed phew
Sleep was not instant though (of course) I lay there for who knows how long - buzzing! Was a total trip.
Thankfully everyone slept elsewhere."