Potential to Universalize - The 5th line Personality
"The Aspired-to Role is the key of what the 5th line is all about. It is about Attractiveness.
Attractiveness is their form of creativity.
Look at me – I’m just an archetypal role. That’s what it is – it’s a very creative role. That’s natural to any 5/1. They have to have that – they have to put their energy into their identity. In other words, they’re creative in terms of how to make themselves attractive.
They know how to get attention.
They know how to draw attention to themselves.
After all that’s their gift, and what’s important to them is that that power of attracting attention goes beyond their personal presence. Otherwise they have no real potential as real universalisers.
This is what they’re all about. Of course, at the same time, being attractive also creates the paranoia, particularly if you are not comfortable with your foundation.
This is the real dilemma. 5/1s are going to have real problems in life unless they get an early and solid foundation, because then [otherwise] it’s a real ordeal.
Their reputation is never going to survive that because they’re constantly attractive and they’re constantly pulling other forces to them.
Of course, what is going to happen is, over and over and over again, they’re going to put their foot in their mouth, and their reputation is going to fall.
Then they have to start fresh somewhere else because they can’t stay where they are, because remember when a 5/1 crashes, everybody gets to know about it, everybody cheers, everybody is out there saying, “See, I knew that one was no good.” It’s the way it works, and so they move to the next town.
This is what the heretic is all about.
This is the wandering heretic – until they find their true heresy, until they find the principal that they can live by. And again, that’s rooted in how deep their foundation is.
The Bonding Strategy: they are Seducers. That’s their whole job, and by the way the Seducer/Seduced is simply a matter of type. Manifestors are going to seduce you. I seduce you to knowledge. That’s my job in this life as a 5 – I’m here to seduce you.
If I was a Generator I’m waiting to seduce, to pull them in so that I can seduce them. There are different techniques, depending on your type, and different authority.
But the 5th line personality is simply a seductive personality, and that’s not the same as being lecherous. I mean it can be but it’s not the same.
The seduction is a matter of their genetics. After all, it’s a role, and not only that, if they don’t seduce their lover it’s not the right lover. After all, that’s their genetic strategy: it is to be the seducer.
Underneath all of that you can see the force of the 5/1, because, of course, underneath that you have the pursuer and the pursued.
So the fact of the matter is that the 5/1 knows exactly what it wants and has to go out there and get it. Nine times out of ten they don’t really have to do very much because the fact of the matter is that because they are 5 the person that they want, at least that first impact, is going to say, “Here comes my salvation.”
That can be very misleading.
After all, that foundation has to be solid, but that can give the impression to anyone: “This person can be my saviour. This person can be my guardian. This person can... – whatever the case may be. This one is really going to answer my life problems.” Yeah, there is a lot of disappointment waiting in that kind of expectation.
The fact is that there are very few 5/1s on the planet that have a strong enough foundation, that they really can be universalisers.
Where this really can be seen is that the role of the 5/1 is to translate what we understand as sexual energy into actual every day life.
In other words, the vibration that I put out as a teacher has a deep sexual connotation to it because it is the quality of seduction that’s really at work. It is not about the necessity for personal intimacy, and, of course, that often gets very confused.
It is one of the things we notice about the relationship with teachers anyway, that we always fall in love with good teachers. It is only natural for us to do that, it is a very natural thing to take place because the teacher is actually pouring love at you.
But not in that ‘hippie tippie’ way of looking at that – what they’re trying to do is to seduce you into loving what they’re telling you about.
So it is a seduction in which the tantra of that is that they are playing out a mundane role, but they’re using an energy that has a sexual connotation because it is seductive. And they’re pursuing you, after all.
They’re penetrating you and they’re saying, “Come on...” You know! That’s why I don’t wear snakes on my head and get anybody nervous.
Finally we come to the Security Strategy, and one of the things to recognise about the 5/1 is that it’s only of value to society when it’s a Self-Provider.
In other words, what it universalises has to keep it alive.
If Human Design didn’t make a living for me I really couldn’t do it. I could still know it but it’s not like I could do it. I’m not a threadbare saint – I don’t walk through life that way, I’ve been there, I’ve done that.
And it’s very important to understand that the integrity of a 5/1 is rooted in having a strong foundation and out of that foundation being able to be secure financially – after all, this is a security strategy. That’s why the foundation is so important for them.
Remember, they’re under pressure from their parents, because their parents have very high expectations about what they can be. So they do have advantages as long as they deliver.
If your parents are going to spend a fortune on your education and you flunk out, this is bad for your reputation. And it’s going to create problems in the future.
So that the moment that you have this strong foundation the 5/1 then can achieve what’s necessary for it, that is, its financial security. And out of that security comes its power to universalise, and they go hand in hand.
So one of the things that tells us about the 5/1 as a profile is, that it takes them time in life until they actually find their financial security, that they find something in which their principles can be embodied in the material path.
Those of you who know me long enough and worked with me know that one of the things that is very important for me that people understand is, that to be awake is to be awake in the world.
It’s one of the messages of the 5/1 – to see that the practical life is what has to be universalised at its highest level.
That’s what I bring to you. I bring to you an opportunity that through our practical life with each other we can have a deep recognition and understanding.
That’s a community of awakedness. That’s a real deep opportunity for us to get to see what it’s really like to be human and together and to see the beauty in all of that.
So it is the practical that dominates that theme, and that means that the 5/1 has to have a stable life.
These are stable heretics.
They need that. They need a secure foundation.
They need the proper grounding in the world in order to be able to universalise because, you see, if they don’t have a strong foundation that universalization will fall apart."
~Ra Uru Hu
Thanks Oleksandr Vasin