What quote describes your Design Moon? 🤔
What a random question that is, eh?
It’s 5:30 in the morning (I’m between sleeps) and this post comes to you courtesy of the very first thing I bumped into after opening my phone, via a Substack notification.
[I don’t even know why I’m subscribed or what this person generally writes about 🤷🏻♀️ it’s one of the handful of spaces where I indulge in political opinion/detail investigating (ahh my 1/3 profile with the open centers my Design has, do be wandering down some unexpected rabbit holes 🤓 - have been contemplating a Band for this one - politics anyone? And maybe one for HD meets religious programming 🤔]
Anyway, I digress.
Came here to share this quote which, frankly, opitimizes my Design Moon, 39.5 - a daily ‘focus’ - unconscious and ever present in my particular life. Like water to a fish perhaps.
If you’ve been around me for a minute, you’ll have heard me talk about this gate - I call it my ‘Step around the shit” gate. 😄
Was hilarious to be able to begin seeing it ‘in action’ - to realize that it’s not everyone’s ‘water’.
Here’s the quote that was at the top of this semi-random Substack. I was instantly struck with its familiarity:
“Don't pay any attention to the critics—don't even ignore them.” – Samuel Goldwyn
Didn’t get any further in the article; I learned (aka. got programmed - in this case, to my benefit imho) years ago by an online marketer, that as soon as you come to something that can be content, it can be made into content (this probably oughta be posting in DBAY.locals.com now that I’ve added that bit, but alas - too late 😆) - am unlikely to return to read any further. It’s okay :)
But it brought me here to share this ah hah about the quote with you - and see if maybe you’d like to play along.
That quote, which I’d never heard before 20 minutes ago, really does ‘nutshell’ my Design Moon.
Have you ever come across one that speaks to yours?
What is your Design moon? 🤔
Let’s begin there.
Do you recognize it?
Ooh I just remembered how bright the moon was at midnight (was out with the dogs, appreciating how light the yard was), which just prompted a google search - screenshot added.
Apparently, the full moon at perigee (closest to earth in its cycle?) is upon us.
Coincidence that I wake up and make ‘moon’ content? 👀🤓🤷🏻♀️
My mind thinks so lol. And yet … 😄 maybe not.
One more google jaunt brings this super moon image.
…. annnd, back to sleep she goes …
Good night Moon.