Single vs Split definitions in relationships
John has been gone since Saturday. Said he’d be back the next day. The next day it was “see you tomorrow the next day, I dunno” - which is so much healthier for his undefined ego.
And our relationship.
I suspect he’ll wander back by Tuesday (he’s at that annual camping mini music fest thing - search ‘camping’ or ‘Boo’ and you might find past posts about it).
He’s the only person I know who can turn a 3 day event into a 10 day event 😜
And thank goodness he and I are both fine with him doing it - without me 🙌🏽
So about this Ra passage - my husband John and I both have simple (one Gate) split definitions.
His chart bridges my splits more than once.
Mine doesn’t bridge his splits at all.
You would think, on the surface, that would be a “problem”, that it wouldn’t ‘work’.
That doesn’t explain how we live.
Or why, if you only took this one idea into consideration, it seems as if he lives as a single definition.
Of course more than that is at play here.
That’s the great thing about having discovered HD at a point where there’s lots of history together (this part is my split definition seeing this I suppose lol) to feed my hindsight.
Could be my Gates 47 too have this “hindsight is valuable” perspective.
Or my Fear Motivation which operates ideally on details.
And details over time, perhaps particularly with emotional authority - which only can gain clarity with multiple moments of time coalescing … delicious.
I see how our profiles play an enormous role too.
We are not harmonic profiles to each other. I have a 1/3 chart and he a 2/4.
Circuitry also - huge.
30+ years together later and I have the fodder for quite the awareness experiment. I’m in year 10 🍿
Much is explained and continued expansion for grace is all I see.
Acceptance of self - mine AND his.
In the end, though it really comes down to how’d we come to be doing this relationship thing.
As serendipity would have it - correctly.
We bumped into each other thanks to his 4th line Networky ways, my 19/49 answered his resource needs call, he responded to/ recognized me, I got invited, we were barely apart after that and 9 months later, our first baby was born.
Yeah there’s also quite some electromagnetic action in the mix 😄
I won’t say it’s all been smooth sailing, because that would be a lie.
But also, this idea that “bridging a gate” is the be all and end all - well, it’s not the whole story. No one thing in our chart tells the whole (potential) story.
Only life can show us that.
What I think HD does so well though is show the why behind the differences. And offer this possibility for acceptance. Or deeper acceptance.
I think that’s one of the things I love best about having HD available for - to be able to guide others to that acceptance and grace for both ourselves and the other.
I’ll add our connection chart in the comments, and can point out some other things if that’s interesting.
Or maybe ask questions. That’s always helpful for knowing what direction to share in 🤗
Maybe my Right Mind will have something at the ready or maybe my 1st line gets stirred into investigation or my open head entertains the possibilities (my view) and feeds my Outer Authority with unexpected results for your Mind.
Or maybe not :)
Either way, I appreciate you. ☺️
“You have to understand that most of us are not designed for the very thing that is the foundation of the way in which we function on this plane.
We’re not. And people love to talk about things like monogamy and this and that.
Single definitions—it’s like, what good are they anyway? You’re a single definition, talk about a failed relationship. They’re incredible to listen to.
Truly, male or female, they’re truly incredible to hear because they didn’t need them in the first place. Even though the illusion is that they're supposed to need them. They didn’t need them. They don’t know anything about how you do that.
Why do you think so many relationships—there is so much difficulty in relationships.
If you think about the fact that 46% of humanity is a split, a basic split, that means that basically 92% of humanity has a chance to bond. The rest are sort of out there, never going to really make it.
And the reality is that it doesn't even get to be that much because those split definitions tend to look for each other, because then they both have this sense of wholeness.
“You make me whole. You make me whole. You make me whole.” Oh, how nice.
All my years of teaching, there is one thing that I cannot stand and that’s generalizations, the way in which the relating is propagandized on this plane.
The way there is supposed to be a certain way in which we are there for the other. It’s not true.
And it’s a minority of us on this plane who are really designed for it, and when you think about it, because of the nature of the not-self, it turns out to be a real disaster.
So, you’re a split definition and you’re with a single definition and you’re pissed, you're trying to work it out and working it out is not important for the single definition.
It’s something you tell them that is important, but that’s not something that's important inside of them at all.
It’s like, “What is he or she rapping on about? Work on what?”
If it wasn't for split definitions, the psychological psychiatric partnership bullshit programs would never exist. Never.
It's all these splits saying that “The relationship has to work, let's go see Dr. Doo Doo, or whatever. We’ll work it out.”
And you can see the split definition dragging by a leash the single definition into the therapy session. “This is something that should be really important for you.” No, it’s not.
This is the whole thing. It’s one of things we really don't understand.
We’ve got 41% of the planet that is single definition. We’ve got 11% that are triple-split definition. They don’t care. Their relationship doesn't work; trash that and try a new one. It’s just that simple.
Single definition—I don't have any attachment to that. I’m not connected to that. There’s nothing inside of me that says I have to have that or I’ve got to fix that. As a matter of fact, it’s all a pain. I’m going to get rid of it; basta.
[Meanwhile] The split definition is sitting there saying, “Don't go. We can work it out.”
The single definition says, “Work out what? What is it exactly we're going to work out?”
[passage via Chaitanya - photo credit unknown]