AARQ - sometimes the first question isn’t the actual question
[New here? AARQ = Andrea answering random questions - it’s a way of leveraging and creating a searchable library of what comes out of my right mind’s Outer Authority, usually during FB group scrolling first thing in the morning.
It also releases me from any potential bitterness of wasted energy in case the author of whatever post is unreceptive or can’t hear me for one reason or another - which is often enough for all of us … and that’s okay!
Here’s what I can see happens:
This post (in the pics) is an example of the OP not really hearing me (maybe), someone else popping in with appreciation of what I said to the OP (indicator that you just never know who could benefit) - I then got a notification, read that 2nd person’s comment (in pics below) and that recognition in turn prompted this further share here in Locals.
It’s like a quality control mechanism maybe 🤔 “oh this is something to show the peeps” - it’s never to toot my own horn; honestly my 16.5 has so little interest in stuff like that 😂😜…
Only to show possibilities of unexpected recognition. And to archive my Outer Authority. Maybe it’s about efficiency too. Energy is saved in the long run for me. :) Anyway, that’s what’s behind AARQ]
Now, about this thing about the first question not being the actual question…
Happens. All. The. Time.
My Design, in order to function, HAS to have details. It’s a rare moment when someone arrives with the question that can take them where they actually are trying to “go”.
Asking questions back that can begin to clarify what it is they’re actually trying to ask or for details that have almost always been left out of their OP (original post) - has become part of the fabric of how I roll.
It’s an efficiency thing. My double Gate 43’s approve. 🙃🤓
Have to be a little bit mindful of the folks with Need motivation who arrive (and Lordy that seems like every other person this year 🤦🏻♀️ even Vanessa Wesley has this motivation it turns out … wild to discover after having already been working together, but it’s been a useful piece of the puzzle).]
Anyway, let’s look at today’s example shall we?
The first 2 pictures are the OP and the last comment is from person 2.
It’s that last comment that is the completely unanticipated “mini projector success”.
Someone got “guided” by my Outer Authority. And I got to know about it. Simple.
And I suppose it could be the collective circuitry in me (my 2 conscious channels) that can feel that via random sharing. Collective success is impersonal.
My actual juiciest #projectorsuccess is Tribal. When you win, I win. That flavor.
And when, in my case, my words have unexpected value for the Minds of others. I care way less about that for the collective than I do for you who are in my tribe (here in Locals, for example).
But I digress…
I guess my moral here, if there is one, is - stuff like this only has space to happen when we’re being ourselves in places where people who are tuned into a given topic might wander into it.
It can be important to ‘know the room’ you’re in.
And even then it’s a (self) filtering process of who it is who our Outer Authority is actually for.
Most of the time, it turns out - it can be happening and we may never know.
Stay relieved of agenda 🙌🏽
And remember, the question on the surface is often not the correct foundation to build out from.
PS. Looks like you may have to click the images to read them - depends on your screen maybe 🤔.