Your Mind is Connected Directly to Your Openness
Here’s why I’m quick to get into the Notself conversation when guiding people. 🙌🏽
“Think about the ‘this and that’, because this is all about ‘this’ and ‘that’.
Look at this whiteness [openness - everything not colored in] in here [referencing an example chart].
Most of us have whiteness, some people have a lot. I want you to think about what this is.
We’re a bio-form. We have a genetic imperative to reproduce. We have a genetic imperative to reproduce and reproduction demands that we mate with what is different from us so that we don't create genetic dead ends.
So we are designed in our very openness, in our whiteness, we are designed in this openness to have receptors.
Receptors that in the language of poetry - long, yearn, burn, fade and died for what they are not.
Oh, you cannot imagine the pull that the genetic imperative has on the human being.
Think about this whiteness when it comes into the world. Think about this whiteness when it meets the conditioning of its father, of its mother, how it comes in, how it goes away, how you can’t hold on to it, and how you become seduced by what you do not have.
And everything inside of you is a chemistry saying “Yes, yes, yes. You go for it.”
I want you to think about your minds.
I want you to think about the way they work. I want you to understand that your mind is connected directly to your openness. I mean directly to your openness.
It will condition the way in which your mind will make a decision. It will condition it.”
~ Ra Uru Hu
via IHDS