DYD - Discover Your Design
😊 My mind thought that maybe I would begin the posts for this over the weekend, but nope.
However, in these wee hours of Monday morning, as the power goes in and out and I’m reminded to make use of resources when they’re available (hurricane season is heading our way) … now my body (or at least my thumbs lol) move in this direction 🤭.
I can link the original idea birth post below in a sec once this is published.
And I think pinning this one to the top and turning it into a TOC (table of contents) type post could work, so we can try that. Hmm or maybe a dedicated post for that (see my 17/62 working through my Right Mind?? lol)
This trip is going to be what I might call a “journaling tour” around your chart.
So get your pen and paper ready :)
I think I’m actually going to use loose sheets (that can be bound afterwards) rather than an actual journal this round - so I’m not limited in space and it’s easily added to later.
In the end, what I look forward to each of us having, is a hand written record of the 26 Gates/line descriptions in our unique chart, knowing where they’re located on the bodygrap, whether they’re conscious/unconscious, consistent/inconsistent, what planet they’re associated with etc… a record that can be expanded upon over time (or not).
So for starters, I thought Mark Germain posting this first HD slide he ever made yesterday, was mighty timely :)
I’ve also uploaded it to google drive - for easy saving or downloading/printing:
ALSO - in the 2nd picture here, you’ll see a chart that’s custom to the keywords for both the Gate and Line in my Design.
If you’d like one of these for your own chart, just comment “Keyword chart please” in this thread and @NaimR or I can grab one for you.
If your chart is not already in my chart library, we’ll also need your birth info to be able to generate your keyword chart.
Feel free to message or email for that, just make note in your comment here to look for it, k?
Otherwise your message may get lost in the void (especially via email - you should see my inbox 😜)
Alrighty … and so we begin.
Next, it’s resource gathering time methinks, for Gate and Line research and exploration. 👍🏽
Oh … one last thing.
Undefined sacral and ego here - living in the land of inconsistent doing energy and no promises … we can likely look forward to this trickling out across the next few weeks and months.
Let’s see what happens next :)
Who knows, maybe I get in a groove and bang out these posts all in a row once the format is clear 🤷🏻♀️
Looking forward to all the Unexpected ah hash’s that await us 🥳
Always an adventure.
Appreciate you for playing!
Andrea 🤗
PS. Here’s the original post where the DYD idea was born -