Format gates and depression
Do you have any of these gates hanging/dormant?
52, 9, 3, 60, 53, 42
Koen’s Ra Quote of the day
“All format energies carry with them a deep potential for depression, yet the depression itself only exists in the gates being activated without definition. In other words, all six of the gates of the format energies by themselves without definition, these are all gates of depression.
If you have the 52nd gate, you can be depressed because you don’t know what you’re sitting still for.
If you have the 9th gate, you can be depressed because you can’t sit still to focus.
If you have the 3rd gate, you’re deeply confused.
And if you have the 60th gate, you can’t get out of your limitation.
If you have the 53rd gate you always want to start something new.
If you have the 42nd gate you can never get out of things.
Depression is in all six of those gates.
The greatest healer of depression is the format energy fully defined. [being in aura or a transit with the other 1/2 of or the whole related channel]
It’s one of the things to recognize about the power of the format.
If you’ve got a 9 in your life and a 9-52 steps into their life, or a 52 steps into their life, it immediately takes away the depression, immediately.
It’s just a mechanical aspect and it one of those things that’s very, very important as a healing energy in that sense.”
~Ra Uru Hu