“This is about learning not to get involved in your life.
That’s all you’ve done up until now is being involved in your life, because you thought you were in charge.
And everybody told you, you were in charge because every time you messed up somebody blamed you.
This has been the program through all of this.
And the thing to recognize about this is that you, we, are all helpless period—basta—nothing else.
Helpless, helpless, helpless.
And it is a vanity and an arrogance to assume anything else. Absolutely helpless, so it’s a real good idea to live that.
Not just to recognize it intellectually, but to live it.
The moment you live helplessness, you discover what it is to be empowered.
You discover what it is to get it from the outside. Everything’s from the outside, I mean where we are in the universe.
[But] That’s not where the G Center is.
The G Center is [not] somewhere out there in the sky.
So we rent love. That’s all we’ve ever done.
We rent fear. [As if] It’s “out there”—Libra, Scorpio.[bla bla]
It all comes flashing in on the neutrino stream and it goes whizzing by. It’s not ours—it’s not ours, ever.
You see, the spiritual-mystical teachers all tell you that [kinda stuff].
They all tell you that and then they tell you to go pray somewhere or meditate or whatever they tell you to do.
But you see helplessness is a natural state and what it requires is not to learn how to be helpless, because we [already] are.
[What it requires is] to give up thinking that we’re [out Mind is] helpful [in directing our life], which we’re not. We’re [it’s] just not, period.”