Moira shared this from Ra -
Are you blaming?
When you can get to that place where you can let yourself accept your mechanics after all, we're all limitations. We all have our little bits and pieces of this and that-but it's only when you get to the place where you accept that mechanism that you begin to see what it is and where it can take you.
As Projectors you have to see you cannot spend your life blaming. The curse in Projector life is blame. "It's his fault, her fault, the dog's fault, it's God's fault," and it goes on and on. The blame gets layered and layered and nuanced and nuanced.
There isn't any. There never has been. There is no such thing. There is nobody to blame. There is only seeing. The moment you attach anything to anything, you're lost. The moment you say it's their fault, you've attached all that to them, and you're going to have to deal with that forever, and it's nothing.
We're not here to do that.
Ra- Projector Empowerment