Nodal Weather 17/18 (Global Sun/Earth programming themes)
Ellie Dydutch shared -
“Yesterday (6.27pm UTC - July 19, 2024) the Nodes shifted from the 21/48 to the 17/18. Opinions & Correction.
Ra: The Nodes show us what we encounter in our environment… The Nodes are the people and situations we see around us.”
The 17th and 18th Gates: See a World that Needs to be Fixed
“The 17 and the 18 are perhaps the most critical of all the gates in Design. That is, these are logical gates. The logical gate as the stream itself, and as the circuit itself, is deeply concerned with the future. Everything about logic is about laying down a pattern foundation that will make the future more secure.
In the 18th gate, Work on What has been Spoiled, we have a logical correction, the logical challenge, the challenge to the pattern to make sure that the pattern operates correctly for the benefit of the collective.
In the 17th gate, we have the intellectual mirror of this. That is, we have the gate of opinions, Following, and all of this about organizing through concepts the collective, and organizing the collective for the betterment of humanity as it moves into the future.
So when we're dealing with the 17 and the 18, one of the things to recognize about this as a Nodal polarity is this is the world that needs to be fixed.
The 17 says: The ancient law that those who wish to rule must know how to serve. And of course, there is this learning process that is deeply a part of this. But it’s more than that.
That is, that ruling and serving are the themes and are the themes of the way in which society functions successfully or not.
In other words, there are those who are ruling in the background and are doing disservice to humanity, there are those who are serving who are benefiting humanity, and there is this basic conflict about what will be the correct way.
When you're dealing with the 18, this is vigilance and determination to uphold and defend basic and fundamental human rights.
Both the 17 and the 18 are there to serve humanity, and so, this need of humanity is what is going to be the most obvious in the stage that is set.
In other words, having these as Nodes is going to place you in a world in which you see constantly the need for correction, the need to defend the basic and fundamental human rights of humanity, the need to organize humanity in a way in which it’s going to be more successful for them, and that their future is going to be better protected.”
from ‘The 32 Nodal Environments’ by Ra.
Over the next 4,5 months, you may see these themes play out in the environment, or not 🤓”
(see my first comment for add-on resource)