Gate 12 - the Gate of Caution
Mark Germain writes -
Gate 12 - Standstill; the Gate of Caution, Articulation, Breath, Stuttering - eating/breathing regulation.
This gate is part of the Individual Knowing Circuit, which is about Empowerment, and is Acoustic in nature.
It is found in the Stream of Emoting and is a Throat Gate. There is the potential expression of being open or not - a “maybe”… as it’s Voice is one of “I act” or not - a Caution/Abandon dynamic, which is mood dependent and socially cautious.
As one gate in the Channel of Openness - a design of a social being (or not); as this channel is the only social channel in the entire Individual Circuit, and is a Manifesting Channel.
This also the Sexual Gate of Romance which is rooted in that Caution/Abandon dynamic, as well having the polarity of Laughing/Crying. The stream in this context is Romance, which is aligned with Acoustics and has a “pulse” quality, which there is a whole bunch of nothing and then, bam! It is there… and what one hears (or reads, as it is written as well as verbal), will give impetus to act or not. And what one says or writes to another comes out of that.
As a social gate, potential melancholy arises from that there is no one worthy speaking to… “What’s the point? They’re too stupid to understand what I would impart.” It needs that particular person(s) that will allow them to open up and articulate their perspective.
This “open/closed” juxtaposition, is what regulates what one puts into their mouth, as that caution is there… “Do I take this in? Swallow it?” … and that is not just literally food, it is metaphorical, too; is the other, or information worthy of being taken in or not, is the question.
This can be considered the coldest gate, with this social dynamic… often, it is no, no, no, no, yes… not here to digest everything, just what is correct. Why bother, that is, until that pulse to act is there, which can stem from what one hears….
The 22 on the other side of the channel, the Gate of Openness/Grace can help bring out the 12s potential expression. The 22 needs somebody/something worth listening to or it gets melancholic. As with gates on opposite side there is this inherent duality of the same kind of frequency, and therefore work hand-in-hand, to help the other side, or condition it (the other duality that is always present.
At the top of the Hexagram (Gate), “above the line”, it states: The quality of restraint and the importance of meditation. Meaning, just don’t act without being cautious, to whatever degree that is relevant.
Having this have twice (12.3 in D-Jupiter (unconscious), and in P-Mars (conscious)… all the above resonates greatly…. as it has been my experience in each context many times. I am a romantic (my P-Sun in 39 is part of this stream and circuit), and can be cold or social, to varying degrees, which have gone to both ends of the spectrum. And I love when the correct other is open, as am I, to articulate with them what I am here to share (in that moment).
12.3 is a “challenging” design activation/element, as it is the process of self analysis. And both are in detriment… which the line reads, “A perverse and often exaggerated self-hatred. Inadequacies in a social interaction that leads to the expression of self-hatred.”
This has been true, and a big way I was hard on myself in this situations… when I was primarily not-self, this was an ongoing dance… over the years of deconditioning, it has happened far, far less, as I understand the dynamic, and even if it did lead to a “self-hatred” (whatever intensity), I knew why, which helps tremendously being aware of such a potential. And just see it for what it is.
I hope I articulated this well, or at least, well-enough, lol. 😉