Gate 64 - the gate of confusion
I happen to meet, an end up interacting with, A LOT of folks who have Gate 64 (most often hanging dormant on an undefined head center) - I suspect due to my 3x Gates 47.
Electromagnetics be like dat 🤷🏻♀️ :)
Some time ago, I had this (as yet unrealized lol) idea to read about the Gates on video, and 64 was the catalyst to that.
Because honestly, sometimes being the messenger over and over to something that isn't necessarily what people want to hear (or rather their minds have yet to surrender to) ... not the most rewarding kinda day, if you know what I mean.
I don't know about you, but I'm a fan of rewarding days. 🙂
So I let videos do the repetitive heavy lifting for me.
This Gate series - is literally just the one Gate to date 😄
It's okay. Maybe the energy will arrive later, usually is down to what it is I find myself repeating. Saves time and energy - cumulatively a remarkable amount.
Anyway - Gate 64 came up in an earlier thread today and I ...