Trick for Manifestors who want peace
✨ The Manifestor strategy : a trick to fool them into letting you use your power ✨
“You know, it's amusing to me when I look at the strategies of the other three types, generators, projectors and reflectors, that everything about their strategies is about finding out what they should do and can do and could do. This is not the strategy of a Manifestor. A Manifestor doesn't have a problem with that. A Manifestor is basically designed to be a doing machine. But they do have a problem. They have a reputation problem. They have an aura reputation problem. And everything about the strategy for a manifester is about PR, it's about public relations.
This is the key to understanding how a Manifestor can avoid resistance in its life. The way that it avoids resistance in its life is it finds a way to make the other types comfortable with it. It's propaganda, it's PR, it doesn't even have to be true, if you know what I mean. It doesn't mean that you love doing that, it doesn't mean that you know all of that, it's PR, it's about being tricky. And it's very very important for manifestos to learn this game to learn the PR game because if you don't learn the PR game, you get crushed, you get crushed by all the other forces.
Because you see, it takes this enormous courage to be the initiator because you got to deal with rejection. And if you don't have confidence in who you are, if you don't think that you're worthy, if you don't think that you're somebody who has the strength to be able to stand up to what other people think, or other people say, you never do it. And so you never live out the life of a Manifestor. And you never get to see how easy it is to fool them.
Please understand that you can fool them. I've been fooling people for years, because I tell them, you know, I do the adult side of it [the strategy, asking permission fir children, informing for adults]. And it works, you get rid of all that resistance. And this is the whole point. The whole point is to fool them, to fool them into allowing you to use your power.
Now I know that there's all kinds of people who would say “Well, why do we have to bother to fool them?” and so forth and so on. It's not our world anymore. It's not the world is dominated by Generators, and they're all claiming their power. And this is not our world where we can do things with impunity anymore without being punished. And all of you as Manifestors know that, that the moment that you act independently and the moment that you act without letting people know or asking permission, that's the moment that you're going to see how quick the hammer will come down on you and how much resistance you will actually attract. If you don't play the game, if you don't follow the strategy, you know, then you cannot end the decline [of courage] and there's for me as a Manifestor, there's nothing sadder than seeing a Manifestor that's lost its power.“
| our tricksy freak, Ra
| source - The Manifestor (2002)
via Laetitia